* Forsaking all others,to FOLLOW HIM. FOLLOW JESUS But what does that mean ?* We know that Jesus Followed His Father in everything,...in everything He spoke and deeds/the doing of His Father God' will,,...the death to any other will,..His Life,...I Do not know about his young life,but throughout His ministry it was a death to self life and on through the death on the cross....(and for us,He says,..'For whosoever shall save his life shall lose it';but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's the same shall save it.(Mk.8:35)'Take up your cross daily and Follow Me (I believe it means a death to our will)Paul said, "I die daily'*But who is God..the Father ?The WORD says,'He is Spirit',...It says 'He is The WORD',....So He is:Spirit/WORD.He is invisable,..He is Breath,...He who SpeakethJesus was led ( He Followed) by the Spirit of His Father,God.So if we be Followers of Jesus, then we must be 'Led by the Spirit of God' *For as many as are led by the Spirit of God,(following the Spirit of God ),..they are the son's / children of God.Are we being deceived, or is the way terribly narrow?And why is it that,.. "few there be that find that way" ?I am not trying to be ugly in any way to anyone,but am being very seriousness about the Word of Truth.Just sharing my thoughts as God teaches.I am always, as you still learning.Lovingly,elizabeth
Dear one's, We here ,...all of us here,are here to uncover Satans lie's,because of our love for God and for the body.Isn't that our driving desire?Rev.12:9,says,..'Satan,deceiveth the whole world !Isn't that is a VERY BIG statement ?Isn't it our greatest desire that The Great Teacher / Professer teach us, His Word through The Spiritually decerned Word ?,...Lest we go into the way,That..'There is a way that seemeth right unto a man,but the way's thereof,are the way's of death '..(and not Life)..?Let us now labor to enter in...always bearing about in the body the dying of The Lord Jesus,that the Life of Jesus might be manifest in our mortal flesh. Blessings IN Him,elizabeth