foolish a man that he allows himself to be used as a pawn by this regime.But this is worse from September: Dennis Rodman: 'Kim Jong-un is a friend for life' Here he not only shows his disregard for a US missionary in NK jail, but curses those who question him on it.
The world loves its own. We must remember the world banded together as one to kill our Lord.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Dennis Rodman was quoted in the news concerning the Christian Kenneth Bea, who is being persecuted and held prisoner in North Korea because of his faith in Christ: "That's not my job to ask about Kenneth Bae. Ask Obama about that," Rodman shouted while trying to walk away."No, it is not Rodman's job, but it is the job of the church to cry with loud cries to the One able to save us and to cry out daily for all saints especially those who are persecuted and in chains for the sake of Christ and the Gospel. Our King is in heaven and our citizenship is in heaven where the King is next to the right hand of God the Father making continual intercession on behalf of all the saints. So, let us not go to the world and the presidents and rulers of the kingdoms of this world, let us go boldly to the Throne to find mercy and grace for Kenneth Bea, Saeed Abedini, and the many of saints who are presently in need. KM
Ken your post reflects my thinking. We must cry out to God for the release of the captives and not governments.One account did say Obama sent an envoy to negotiate for the release of Ken Bae. The N. Korean government refused to negotiate. This should tell us something.I almost laughed when I read that America's top ccimmando, Chuck Norris, was speaking out for Saeed Abidini's release. Actually stated in an article "Anerica's top commando". Like what Is Chuck going to do. Stage a prison break in Iran and get Saeed out. This is not a movie. I think we tried something like that back in 79 with disastrous results. Where man fails prayer prevails.Blaine
Yes I agree it is not Rodman's responsibility. My point in posting was not that, but that how stupid can such a person get in being used as a propaganda tool and his total ignorance or indifference to the suffering of the vast majority of the population in NK. Also his anger filled reaction when questioned.Maybe he has been offered a lot of cash and seared his conscience. Even unbelievers have some conscience about such things... even if not for the Christians that are in chains, but at least the state of that nation as a whole.Isn't NK an enemy of the USA and exports to that country are banned as far I am aware, so how can exporting sports coaching be allowed? Ah but then again they were in the Olympics weren't they...oh well there's the answer, I should have remembered the double dealing standards of this world system.
How about a fair trade? They can keep Rodman, we'll take Ken Bea?I love Win-win...
_________________Tom Cameron