The First Love
“I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love” (Rev. 2:4).
In Revelation 2:2-3, eight signs are mentioned showing the zeal and activity of the Church at Ephesus. But there was one bad sign, and the Lord said: “Except thou repent, I will come unto thee, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place.” And what was this sign? “Thou hast left thy first love.”
We find the same lack in the Church of the present day. There is zeal for the truth, there is continuous and persevering labor, but that which the Lord values most is wanting, the tender, fervent love to Himself.
This is a thought of great significance. A church or a community or a Christian may be an example in every good work, and yet the tender love to the Lord Jesus in the inner chamber is missing.
There is no personal daily fellowship with Christ, and all the manifold activities with which people satisfy themselves are as nought in the eyes of the Master Himself.
Dear brother and sister, this book speaks of the fellowship of love with Christ in the inner chamber. Everything depends on this. Christ came from heaven to love us with the love wherewith the Father loved Him. He suffered and died to win our hearts for this love. His love can be satisfied with nothing less than a deep, personal love on our part.
Christ considers this of the first importance. Let us do so too. Many ministers and missionaries and Christian workers confess with shame that in spite of all their zeal in the Lord’s work, their prayer life is defective because they have left their first love. I pray you, write this down on a piece of paper and remember it continually–The love of Jesus must be all–in the inner chamber, in all my work, in my daily life.
Lord Jesus, I pray that Thou wilt be my all, in the inner chamber, in all my work, in my daily life. Amen.
Jan. 11 devotional thought from the Andrew Murray's devotional, "God's Best Secrets".