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 All Across Long Island, Movement Is On To ‘Keep Christ In Christmas’

ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) — There is more to Christmas than gifts and jingle bells, so say a growing number of people with lawn signs and bumper stickers.

As CBS 2’s Carolyn Gusoff reported Monday, there’s a growing “Keep Christ in Christmas” phenomenon.

Linda Doupe was recently found doing her Christmas shopping in a Christian store.

“Keeping Christ in Christmas is important. It’s his birthday,” said Doupe of Lynbrook.

The Advent Shop in Rockville Centre was packed with holiday shoppers who said they are tired of the commercialization of Christmas.

 2013/12/16 23:53

Joined: 2008/10/30
Posts: 2265

 Re: All Across Long Island, Movement Is On To ‘Keep Christ In Christmas’

" shoppers who said they are tired of the commercialization of Christmas."

The True Messiah(Christ) abhors the christmas festival.

Hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah.
To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he–goats.
When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to trample my courts? Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; new moon and sabbath, the calling of assemblies,––I cannot away with iniquity and the solemn meeting. Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them. And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil:
learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

How much more severe a Word from above might be spoken unto the abominable and detestable activity americans are partakers of, who practice such syncretism this month and throughout the year. December 25 is the pinnacle of their idolatry.

They profess to know God, but they deny Him in their works, being detestable and disobedient and disqualified for every good work. Titus 1:16

 2013/12/17 7:49Profile

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057

 Re: All Across Long Island, Movement Is On To ‘Keep Christ In Christmas’

As one who is truly seeking to know HIS heart on this topic and having struggled with differing views for some time now I can honestly say Christmas is a confusion for me. On one hand we are never instructed to celebrate the birth of CHRIST any where in the Word and yet Christians everywhere do? On the other hand we aren't told to celebrate birthdays for anyone and yet many Christians do that with out issue? Then there is the whole winter solstice, pagan traditions that have gone on in this time of year and the Catholic mass, would recognizing these things be pleasing to GOD? Then I have often heard people talk about the "magic of Christmas", like is some kind of mystical thing that happens every December? I have also heard Christians talk about the "spirit of Christmas" and how it comes around every December? Honestly its almost like "Christmas" itself has taken on some kind of life all its own and for many it doesn't seem to matter if GOD is in it or not? Even some of those who demand they want CHRIST back in Christmas are the same ones who live in rebellion to HIM through out much of the year???

I have no issue with those who observe Christmas or those who choose not to...Just seeking to know HIS heart on the matter as I know others do too.

Edit: I wanted to add that the above thoughts are just some of "my own rambles" from over the years as I have considered this season before the LORD. I am not judging or want to be a stumbling block to any others. God Bless

God Bless

 2013/12/17 10:02Profile



Do we have to be told what to celebrate or what not to celebrate? There are cultures all over the world that have different kinds of cultural/family celebrations that are amoral and family oriented. After they become Christian, they still celebrate some of these family events such as Birthdays, Wedding Anniversaries and the birth of Christ.

Would you go to a wedding today, where wine was flowing liberally? Do you know that some Christians would never go to a wedding like that where such "sin" is being openly displayed. Yet, Jesus went to weddings like this in His day.

Usually, wine flows at the reception, afterwards. You have already attended the wedding and don't have to stay if you think you will sin.

Peter acted one way to the Gentiles in Galatia and one way to the Jews. Jesus never acted one way to the Church and one way to Sinners. He ate and drank with Sinners at their weddings (even drinking the wine) and I am sure He would eat and drink the wine at a Christian wedding.

By the way, I don't see anywhere in Scripture where Jesus told us not to participate in weddings. There is no mention in the OT of wedding ceremonies. Yes, Jesus mentioned weddings in the NT, but the word "wedding" does not even appear in the OT.

Back to my question: Why do we think if we wash the outside of the cup, the inside will automatically be clean?

We clean up our cup on the outside so that it is presentable to a certain faction of believers who are very good at being "cup inspectors". We know who these believers are and we know exactly what kind of cup they are expecting to see.

I'm all for clean cups, but Jesus wants the inside of the cup clean. That is more of a priority with Him than the outside. While others can only see the outside of your cup, Jesus has a special vantage point in which He can see the inside, too.

Jesus does not tell us how to do everything in life, such as what celebrations to partake in or not partake in. The Lord talks about matters of the heart and if your heart does not condemn you, then don't let others condemn you. They are only looking at the outside of your cup and have no standing or authority to say that the inside of your cup is dirty.

Do we actually have the authority and insight to judge others that celebrate the birth of Christ or weddings or birthdays or annivesaries? Can we rightly judge someone's heart that decorates a tree in their house or puts a cross on their wall? Do we dis-fellowship these believers or pull away from those who celebrate something that is not found in the Bible such as Birthdays or Anniversaries?

Jesus heart on the matter is that He wants us to walk in love with our neighbor and with Him.

 2013/12/17 11:16

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


Greetings Just-in

you wrote:Do we actually have the authority and insight to judge others that celebrate the birth of Christ or weddings or birthdays or annivesaries? Can we rightly judge someone's heart that decorates a tree in their house or puts a cross on their wall? Do we dis-fellowship these believers or pull away from those who celebrate something that is not found in the Bible such as Birthdays or Anniversaries?

Jesus heart on the matter is that He wants us to walk in love with our neighbor and with Him.


Brother I humbly ask did you feel that my post really came across as judging another for celebrating Christmas? If so then may I ask your forgiveness, it was not my intention. In what I wrote I was simply attempting to convey the tug of war that I sometimes struggle with.

I do not think that if we wash the outside of the cup(or attempt to do the "right" things) that it makes us clean. I do agree that GOD looks at the heart but I do also believe HE cares about what I do and don't do.

Perhaps I should reread my post. I do not want to be a stumbling block for another in this. I was only sharing my own confusions. I should have prefaced that better.

God bless

 2013/12/17 12:46Profile


Hi MaryJane,

I have no idea how you treat others. Like the old saying "if the shoe fits, wear it". This being a public forum, my responses are mostly "editorials" for the larger Internet audience, not necessarily you. Ok, yes, I did reference your name but at a certain point in my post to you, I am talking to anyone who has ears to hear and not necessarily anyone who "doesn't need a shoe to fit", if you get my meaning.

1Jn 3:21 Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.

I don't think people should force themselves to like a special day or not. And if one does not have any feeling about special days, then they should not feel bad about it. I have no special feelings about Sunday. I love meeting with the Saints, anytime. And, those who do celebrate special days should not coerce or force others to accept those days. Jesus is not about special days or any day for that matter. He is much more important and higher than an earthly custom or day of the week. So, whatever we do, do it unto the Lord with faith.

MaryJane, I just want you to be happy and joyful in the Lord and don't let Christmas bother you. If you don't enjoy it, praise God. If you do enjoy it, praise God, also. Be at peace in the Lord and not moved by what celebrations others find special and important or not special and important. Our relationship with one another has nothing to do with days and times and seasons, but everything to do with Christ.

 2013/12/17 15:15

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


In case there are any believers who sincerely want to learn about the true origins of this festival I think this article may be a helpful starting point:

This article from Zac Poonen may also help in that regard:

Just to be clear, I don't believe that all Christians who celebrate this festival are in sin. I believe it depends on each one's own conviction. If you believe that you shouldn't really observe it because of its origins or what not and you still observe it then it is sin. But if you can observe it unto the Lord with a clear conscience then it may not be sin.

Again, as stated in another thread this is a non-essential matter which we can respectfully discuss our differences on without dividing or having animosity over.


 2013/12/17 15:24Profile

Joined: 2010/4/7
Posts: 71


I'm always puzzled when christians have an issue with celebrating the birth of Christ. While I'm aware that December 25 may not be the day Jesus was born, it is the day most of the world recognizes to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Redeemer and Lord! Just like here in the US, President's day is not celebrated on Washington or Lincoln's actual birthday.

We know from Luke chapter 2:8-20 that Heaven celebrated the birth of Jesus! While it's not a command per se, it is a good example! The angels rejoiced, praised God, proclaimed good news and a blessing to all men! Hallelujah! Thank you Lord! So while maybe not a direct command, there is no biblical basis to say that christians are prohibited from celebrating the birth of Christ!


 2013/12/17 16:00Profile

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


It is sad to see mean criticism from Christians toward other Christians who choose not to celebrate something which God's Word does not command us to celebrate. If believers abstain from something for the purpose of trying to abide by God's Word as much as possible why should there be an issue with that? To put it another way, if we are not commanded to celebrate the birth of Christ why should we think it's mandatory for every Christian to do so? Do we not see it's unbiblical and un-Christian to make such demands on Christians?


 2013/12/17 17:10Profile

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