Hello Brethren on SI,I have a question regarding the issue of homosexuality. Now, I'm sure most on this forum agree that it is a sin. My question however is how does a Christian respond to this issue given the laws being enacted in India and Russia against homosexuality. Or even when gays are being bullied at school by their fellow classmates, thus leading to many suicides. How can Christians give an answer on this issue, when homosexuals feel persecuted? Follow up question is do you support Russia's anti-gay law? If so, why? Yes, we can argue that they are intolerant to us Christians, but they can also argue, "So, you want us to be tolerant towards your intolerance to us?Another question is, should laws be enacted to ban homosexual activity? For example, a person committing homosexual acts should be sentenced to jail or be punishable by death. I'm just asking questions; I'm not supporting homosexuality. I just need some insight on this issue because we live in a day and age where homosexuality is seen as a civil rights matter rather than an issue of sacredness.My final question is on the issue of abortion. I remember there was a woman in Ireland who was denied an abortion even though the baby inside her had a problem that could ultimately end her life. She did die in the end, sparking an uproar. Is abortion forbidden under every circumstance? Here's the link to the abortion story: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/14/savita-halappanavar-death-irish-woman-denied-abortion-dies_n_2128696.htmlIn Christ,- Michael Liao
_________________Michael Liao
Brethren,Just putting this post out there again seeing that no one has answered these questions.
This subject has been brought up before and I have brought it up in the past seriously trying to understand what a proper Christian response should be in these matters.Something I always keep in front of me is what is my cornerstone for knowing what is to be true? It has to be God and in that case it is Bible knowledge for knowing truth from a lie. Having said that the bible tells us that homosexual acts are wrong and unnatural no matter the fact that some say they are born that way. God be true or man be true? Experience isn't always the true teller though it can becomes as a magicians trick in causing you to see the appearance of something that seems true when it is not.Then, as a Christian, you have to figure out what kind of heart you are going to use in responding to these things. Are you going to go the way of a 'repent of burn' yelling person? Almost like a Westboro Baptist church thing. Are you going to say it is simply wrong and then go your way or does a Christian say it is wrong and reach out to these people in love yet staying firm that homosexual practice is sin? Or be a liberal Christian and fight for gay rights for marriage? Personally, I fall in the camp of loving these people but staying firm that homosexual acts are sin just as adultery and fornication is sin.Should laws be enacted to outlaw homosexual activity? Well, there are laws on the books that say if an 18 yr old has sex with a 17 yr old it is considered rape so why not enact laws on the books for homosexual activity. Only, this will not happen because of the push homosexuality has on society right now. I bet there are laws on the books against homosexual practice but they are either not enforced or will be taken off the books because these people are 'born this way'.The abortion deal is tough thing as well even if the life of mom is at stake. I am not a passionate person in regards to abortion. Looking from the outside in if the mom's life is at stake then who's life is it better to keep alive? Usually it is the kids life. Just like women and children to safety first and then the men. Kids are at the top. John
Michael,I am only going to respond to your question about abortion.I have worked in a pro-life ministry for 15 years so I do know something about the issue.I did some checking on the web about birth related deaths among women. While these figures declined in the 20th century, the numbers are now steadily rising. Experts are not sure why this is so although they know what contributes to these deaths but with all the modern technology available they still wonder. As I understand the articles I read the mothers that died from childbirth most were those that caught the professionals by surprise. If a woman is in a pregnancy that potentially will take her life, she is usually monitored closely to prevent it. However, if an ectopic pregnancy occurs, there is a surgical removal of the offending mass because she is hemorrhaging that will result in death quickly unless it is stopped. This procedure is legal even where abortion is illegal.In any case when you abort there are more females killed then in childbirth - assuming that 50% of the aborted babies are female. Personally, I see abortion as killing a child. The scriptures refer to a fetus as a child, a person and we are told to not kill. Life and death rests in the hands of the LORD God - we do well to leave it there and accept what he has willed.ginnyrose
_________________Sandra Miller
On the topic of abortion I recently read an article that said doctors are now seeing a stronger case for a link between the rise in breast cancer and women who have had abortions. There is data out now that suggest that a woman actually increases her chances of developing breast cancer if she has an induced abortion.There are so many other health risks that go along with having a baby aborted that many woman do not even realize, not only physical but emotions as well.As ginnyrose said the procedure to end an ectopic pregnancy is is legal God blessmj