In the first chapter of Exodus, we read that Pharaoh was disturbed by the Israelites, even though they were slaves. They were becoming numerous and he was afraid that they would finally rebel against him and stop working for him. So he passed an order that all male children born to the Israelites must be killed immediately.Now that scheme originated from the devil. Satan has always been after the Jews to kill them - many times in human history. This was just the first of such occasions.God not only protects us from Satan’s plans but does something even better: He turns the tables on Satan and uses Satan’s work to fulfil God’s purposes. That shows God’s almighty power in a much greater way than if He merely destroyed Satan or merely stopped Satan from working.God shows us His power not only by protecting us from the devil but by using the very thing that Satan does to destroy him.The greatest example of this is Calvary - where Satan got Jesus’ enemies to crucify Him. But that cross became the very place where Satan himself was defeated!! Satan’s plan backfired on him – as it always has.God turned the tables on Satan for Jesus. He will do the same for us too if we live with a clear conscience in humility before Him. Whatever the devil and his agents do to harm us will be turned back on them - and God’s purposes for our lives will be fulfilled. This is one of the main messages of the Bible – and we see it happening again and again in the Scriptures.We see that because Pharaoh had passed an order that all male babies should be killed, Moses’ mother put Moses into a little basket and floated it down the river with a prayer to God. If it were not for that evil edict, she would never have done such a thing. But because she did that, Moses was picked up by Pharaoh’s daughter, and he grew up in Pharaoh’s palace - the place where God wanted him to be trained for the first 40 years of his life. That could never have happened if Pharaoh had not passed that evil law, for then Moses would have grown up to be just another slave.Do you see how God’s purposes are fulfilled through what Satan does?
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
God turned the tables on Satan for Jesus. He will do the same for us too if we live with a clear conscience in humility before Him.
_________________Paul Frederick West
The greatest example of this is Calvary - where Satan got Jesus’ enemies to crucify Him. But that cross became the very place where Satan himself was defeated!! Satan’s plan backfired on him – as it always has.
Hi Sree,I believe 1 Corinthians 2:8 [AMP] sheds light on your question: None of the rulers of this age or world perceived and recognized and understood this, for if they had, they would never have crucified the Lord of glory.Said rulers were inspired by Satan to crucify the Lord but in doing so, they co-operated with God to bring about salvation to mankind. Besides, remember Satan dwells in darkness. Whatever 'knowledge' he may possess of Scripture is darkened and unfruitful. So although he may have known the Scriptures which predicted the Messiah's death, he did not [because he could not] know Jesus' death would lead to his own disarming. That's the problem with darkness; those who are in it, think they see, hear and know reality. Nothing could be further from the truth. Only as the Son of God gives us light, do we see, hear and know reality as He enables us. We, as followers of Jesus, should constantly ask the Lord to show us areas in which we still walk in darkness, that He may grant us light. The more His light shines brightly in and on us, the more like Him we become. Blessed be His holy Name. Amen.
Sree,There is no light or truth in Satan. His complete and utter hatred for God and those who love God, blinds him. He is completely and utterly devoid and incapable of understanding the revelation of God. He still thinks he can defeat God as he works to gather men unto himself. He still lusts for power ensnaring men to worship him. He is the Father of lies because he is the personification of lies. A liar from the beginning. He does not know or understand the purposes of God. So, when Jesus was dying on the cross he thought he finally accomplished what he failed to do through Pharaoh (killing the Hebrew first born), through Herod (killing babies under 2 years old) and the many times he tried to wipe out Israel in the OT. Notice how the demons, through people, mocked Jesus Christ on the Cross. They were not worried that the "tables were going to be turned" on them. They had no idea what was about to happen. God's Son dying had never happened before. Satan worked through the Pharisees, and Herod and Pontius Pilate and Judas to bring an end to Christ and yes, God let him. So, Satan was fulfilling the purposes of God not knowing that he was merely an instrument in God's hands.The Deceiver is so self-deceived and full of pride that he is incapable of receiving any light or understanding divine revelation, whatsoever.
Thank you Theophila and Just-in for the thought provoking post. Yes satan though he is wise cannot understand god's plans and divine revelation. Darkness can never comprehend true light.