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 Hobby Lobby and ObamaCare: Hobby Lobby Emergency Appeal Denied

Hobby Lobby and ObamaCare: Hobby Lobby Emergency Appeal Denied

ObamaCare v. Hobby Lobby; Hobby Lobby risks millions in fine after refusing to comply with ObamaCare's mandate on contraception coverage. The Oklahoma based chain was denied an emergency appeal by the Supreme Court to get an exemption from having to provide contraception coverage to it's employees. Hobby Lobby has decided to take a stand against the ruling by refusing to comply with the law, in doing so they risk over a million dollars a day in fines from the IRS.

Hobby LobbyObamaCare Supreme Court Ruling on Hobby Lobby
ObamaCare won in the Supreme Court battle between Hobby Lobby and ObamaCare. On December 26th Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who is in charge of hearing emergency appeals for the United States Tenth Circuit, refused Hobby Lobby appeal. Now the chain must comply with the law (at least until the decision reaches the Federal Court.)

Hobby Lobby Fines for Not Providing ObamaCare Mandated Contraception

Hobby Lobby faces up to $1.3 million a day in fines from the IRS if it does not comply with the Supreme Court Decision. If Hobby Lobby continues to defy the ObamaCare ruling the fines could seriously damage the business. It remains to be seen if they will remain steadfast or crumble under the economic pressure.
Hobby Lobby ObamaCare: Another Company in a Long Line

Hobby Lobby isn't the first company to stand up to ObamaCare's controversial provision that says that all employers must provide contraception as part of their health insurance plan. There have been several other law suites from for-profit and not-for-profit groups that have fought the law. While 9 have been granted injunctions, Hobby Lobby was not so lucky.

Why Did Hobby Lobby Lose the Supreme Court Case Against ObamaCare

Even though other for-profit's have won in their fight against ObamaCare's contraception mandate it was stated that the owner of Hobby Lobby failed to present a clear enough case as to how emergency birth control would hurt the company.

Hobby Lobby has over 500 stores and 13k employees. It remains to be seen as to how Hobby Lobby will continue to stand up against ObamaCare and whether an injunction will be granted in Federal Court.

 2013/12/10 18:43

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: Hobby Lobby and ObamaCare: Hobby Lobby Emergency Appeal Denied

Makes one wonder why some are given a reprieve and another is not.

This imposition reminds me of the prayer Dad often prayed when he was alive. He said this every time at Thanksgiving when the family was together. He thanked God "for the privilege of engaging in free enterprise." Wonder how long...

Sandra Miller

 2013/12/11 15:45Profile


On one level man is doing something and on another level God is doing something. It is important to always keep our eye on what God is doing. It does not matter what man is doing.

 2013/12/11 17:41

Joined: 2011/11/11
Posts: 719
San Diego


How quietly the government snake has coiled itself around the free enterprise system and has begun to squeeze the life out of it.

This will not end with prosperity in the hands of the common people.

God bless Hobby Lobby!

Tom Cameron

 2013/12/12 0:01Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: Hobby Lobby and ObamaCare: Hobby Lobby Emergency Appeal Denied

I want to share the quandary I have with this entire situation.

I think it stinks when the gov comes along and says you have to buy a certain kind of insurance for your employees, especially something that will involve a procedure you consider offensive, sin. I do not care what business you are in, this idea stinks, IMO. Maybe not all that humble? :-/

I love to shop at Hobby Lobby - I know very few females that do not. I get their weekly emails... I can go there and spend a couple hours and perhaps not even spend much money - I enjoy how their offerings will challenge my creativity. I love the store.


They market Santa Claus...I find Santa Claus an impostor that mars ones perception of the birth of Jesus, my Lord that is being celebrated. It is distracting ones attention away from Him.

I do not think they sell witches, etc that pertains to Halloween in Oct...why Santa Claus?

Maybe I am being picky...has anyone else noticed this?

Sandra Miller

 2013/12/12 15:33Profile

Joined: 2011/11/11
Posts: 719
San Diego

 Re: The quandary complicated by a conundrum!

Have no fear, Ginnyrose! In many places Santa Clause has been banned along with baby Jesus as too religious!

"Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing" asked the psalmist.

It is a profound thing that those who deny the gifts of God and the graciousness of His people find themselves separated from the common sense and reason that they have made to be their own god!

Tom Cameron

 2013/12/12 23:56Profile

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