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disciplejosh Member

Joined: 2003/6/13 Posts: 210 Southern California
| Re: | | I read the posts and kept thinking of something Leonard Ravenhill said. "You won't go to heaven if you don't have a televison, and you won't go to hell if you do."
This is how I look at everything in life...
Ask yourself, "How precious is Christ to me?"
Now, chew on that for a few minutes. How precious is Christ to you? Think on it for awhile...
Now, with your answer in mind, "If He is as precious as I think He is to you, this is the question... "If He is that precious to you, what are you willing to let go of, in order that you might, with both hands lay hold of that for which He has also laid hold of you?" _________________ Josh
2005/4/6 12:03 | Profile |
| Re: | | Twenty years or so ago I abandoned television. I had been an avid watcher as a kid. I took up reading everything I could get my hands on (I was living in a third world country) and worked to broaden my vocabulary. I disdained people who watched tv as willingly submitting themselves to propaganda and lies. Back in the states I had a tv but no reception, and just used it to view video movies. When I moved to Washington DC two years ago, suddenly the box got 12 stations for free. So, the way I look at it, twenty years ago it was definately not ok to watch tv, but now adays I'm so much more mature that I can watch it and not be negatively affected. So its perfectly ok. But if you watched tv for the last twenty years and don't do so now, you are definatly doing something wrong.
Bubbaguy |
2005/4/6 13:23 | |
PTywama3 Member

Joined: 2005/3/1 Posts: 156 Tacoma, WA
| Re: entertainment | | I just had a rather odd thought strike me.
For a large chunk of the world, learning isn't a job, it is entertainment.
TV isn't always learning (I'd venture to say most of it isn't learning), but is still entertainment.
Each person only requires (or has time for) so much entertainment, and so filling up on tv would naturally limit study time...
[i]Thy testimonies also[/i] are[i] my delight [/i]and[i] my counsellers. Ps. 119:24[/i] _________________ David Reynolds
2005/4/6 14:02 | Profile |
deltadom Member

Joined: 2005/1/6 Posts: 2359 Hemel Hempstead
| Re: | | The general term for marketing is all entertainment is marketing what do you think of that ? _________________ Dominic Shiells
2005/4/6 14:07 | Profile |
deltadom Member

Joined: 2005/1/6 Posts: 2359 Hemel Hempstead
| Re: | | I would love to vision a church that did not talk about what was on television or what was on the news but talked about the Lord twenty four seven and worshiped him more in the arts and to have a non culturallly relevant gospel which is not trying to be more relevant to the culture but rather trying to feed the poor and heal the sick and peform signs and miracles. That is what I always wanted a group of messed up people who love god and noone else and find the news and television boring and god interesting. I would like to see more people like Hudson Taylor who preached the gospel at the age of twenty three and David Brainard. I want to be like them and I want everyone I know to be like them and to end up dying for my faith in some unknown country and to feed the poor and the lonely the problem is that I have not really got time for the television because there is more important people out there who need Jesuss help and your help and you are the only one who can witness for them. The reason that I was having this argument is that I people sitting and watching great missionaries and leaders and then doing nothing about it or reading stuff in church and not doing anything not saying that we need great preachers and leaders what I am saying is that everyone who listens to these should be a great precher and great man of god one day. What I am saying is that I want more 100% men of god who have no distractions and have no hindrandances to Jesus. I wish that there could be more Jaki Pullingers as Jesus said the Labourer are few but the harvest is plentiful. I wish that everyone would be a great man of god!!! _________________ Dominic Shiells
2005/4/7 20:36 | Profile |
| it starts with you.... | | Quote:
I would like to see more people like Hudson Taylor who preached the gospel at the age of twenty three and David Brainard. I want to be like them
it starts with you.
Whats your prayer life like?
how heavy is the burden that weighs upon the priests of God?
do you weep for the lost, or curl your self-righteous lip in disgust at their depravity?
(don't take any of that stuff as an no no, these saints are there for YOU to model.)
you can be a "Brainerd", or a "Sung", or a "Paul", but to be a Brainerd means you might be hacking out your lungs in a lonely snowbank somewhere, constant pain, everpresent loneliness, clinical depression, lousy glory on earth, but think of the reception that awaited David Brainerd.
Its a tough thing to pray to God to break you, coz when He does, you want Him to stop.
You can be a Brainerd too, you just have to ask the Holy Ghost to cultivate a Godhunger that ignores the shrieks of your flesh, and presses on towards Jesus.
Thats what I've been doing, and it hurts sometimes, and I get mighty lonely, and pretty mournful. |
2005/4/7 22:28 | |
| to answer the original question | | Television is a window on the world, and the things and ideas the world and the flesh crave and worship. It should be avoided if you seek an apostolic calling. |
2005/4/7 22:31 | |
deltadom Member

Joined: 2005/1/6 Posts: 2359 Hemel Hempstead
| Re: to answer the original question | | Thankyou _________________ Dominic Shiells
2005/4/7 22:35 | Profile |
lyndon Member

Joined: 2003/12/8 Posts: 65 Manitoba, Canada
| Re: | | Quote:
So, the way I look at it, twenty years ago it was definately not ok to watch tv, but now adays I'm so much more mature that I can watch it and not be negatively affected. So its perfectly ok. But if you watched tv for the last twenty years and don't do so now, you are definatly doing something wrong.
Just thought I'd ask what scriptural basis you use to support your view that the more mature you become, the more things are acceptable to you. I'm not saying your wrong, but I have run across this view before, and I'm wondering where it can be found in scripture.
Lyndon |
2005/4/7 23:22 | Profile |
deltadom Member

Joined: 2005/1/6 Posts: 2359 Hemel Hempstead
| Re: | | I will be doing studies the problem is there all in my head and I need o write them down Dom _________________ Dominic Shiells
2005/4/13 22:27 | Profile |