A young man who was convinced that a Methodist pastor should have a helpmeet, began to cast his eyes about, and at last they fell upon a handsome young lady, the sister of a great Congressman. She was well educated,, and a great musician. The preacher said, "She just suits me. She can carry on the musical side of the parish, and that is a great help." But he went to prayer. He fasted and prayed.
He went daily before God over this all-important step, for much hinges upon this step. He knew that many a preacher's life had been injured, his ministry hurt, by choice of a wrong companion;hence this preacher waited upon God. Seemingly, he could not get into the spirit of prayer.Seemingly, he could not get the ear of God, and he could not get the mind of God. But he kept praying. One time he prayed clear through, and the Spirit said, "No, she's not the woman for you."
Thirteen years had come and gone, and this preacher had become a famous evangelist. conducting a series of meetings in a large Southern city, he saw an eminent lawyer one night at the altar, crying and pleading with God for pardon. He knelt by the lawyer's side; placing his arms about him, he said, "Sir, what is your trouble?" The lawyer looked up into his face, and said. "May I have a private interview with you tomorrow?" During the conference the lawyer said to the preacher, "I married Congressman So-and-so's sister. She was a beautiful woman, well educated,and a great musician, but she is making life a hell on earth to me." When this preacher got back into his room, he jumped all over the floor, clapping his hands, and praising God that he didn't get her for a wife, You see if the devil could have kept that preacher from praying clear through, perhaps she would have gotten that woman, and thousands of souls would not have been saved.