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Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Finished with the World by Keith Daniel

Finished with the World by Keith Daniel

Topic: Love Of The World
Scripture(s): Galatians 6:14, 1 John 2:15, James 4:4
Description: There is something very potent and powerful about this message. Its one of Keith Daniels first visits to America and this message calls for a great consecration and call back to apostolic Chrisitanity in our daily practice. Are you finished with the world? Don't listen to this message unless you are willing to be impacted and changed in very powerul way.


This message really helped me cut off the world ENTIRELY... Too many Christians still haven't completely let go of the world; hence why their lives are so powerless... Die fully, and then experience the fullness of God's Resurrection Power!

Tremendous Message
This message is powerful and truly brings a clear distinction of those that are of the Spirit of the world and he gives the call to separate from the world system and spirit taking the way of the cross. Oh may this message have its full impact and may many resign fully to surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in this earth.

Stunning. Definitely a must-hear for anyone who wishes to leave the world behind him and run for your life towards Christ.

Awesome Sermon
This was a awesome sermon and convicting as well. I really like when he asked the question : "Are you crucified by the WORD or is the world still in your "heart"?" And also, "Not draw people to your "heart" but to God's heart". I always try to win the approval of people (man) as in Colossians 2:23-24. Last, but not least how he told the story of the TV was really true. We bring the world into our home without a thought of how much time we put into the world, dressing like the world, looking like the world, talking like the world and how this affects our younger generation (our children). The Lord said, in Romans 12:2 "Do not be conform to this world but be transformmed by renewing your mind, what is good and acceptable, and perfect, will of God". So take the world off and put on the armor of GOD by "anchoring" the word to your "heart". This is a must hear, everyone should listen to this sermon.

One of his BEST!

A serious call to come out of the world
This message is so timely and powerful. we must examine ourselves to see where we have let the world into our hearts. we are called to be set apart. I found this very convicting and challenging to make a change.

 2013/8/28 22:22Profile

Joined: 2011/8/14
Posts: 1148

 Re: Finished with the World by Keith Daniel


I do appreciate you SO very much in introducing this man,Keith Daniels
To me. What truth comes out of his mouth, one hardly hears.
Doesn't the Word say that there is Life and death in the tongue?
Well Life comes from this man's tongue.Thank God for Him,...for how he has allowed God to teach him.

I wanted to hear more from him, looked on the sideboard to Audio
sermons by speakers and found he has 162,..I believe,...sermons,and have listened to two more of them.

Bless you Jeremy and thank you,

 2013/9/2 18:48Profile

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482


I had heard this message a number of times before, but I appreciated the reminder, Jeremy, and listened again. Sorry I didn't take the time to respond. Yes, it is a MUST listen...and a must in applying it to our lives....thanks always for the sermons you recommend.

 2013/9/2 22:54Profile


The message is a popular one today as it puts the problem for man outside of himself ie if he does something or stops doing something, he will be right with God. It is the basis of aestheticism. The theory behind the words of the speaker is, that the world is polluting man so he must cut out or 'crucify' the world, and be crucified to it. He must stop watching television (tv in the UK is not the same as Amercian tv. There are many good documentaries shown) He or more to the point, she, must not dress like 'the world' or join in with the world's ways.

Scripture says that it is not what goes into man which pollutes him but what comes out of him. The problem is inside, in his heart and the answer to that is not to discipline his flesh, or mortify it.

The message is popular because it gives man something to do or to stop doing. It is however impossible to improve the flesh and only if a man has been to the cross with Christ and has had his old nature crucified, then he can try all he wants, the world will not be crucified to him because that is an after effect. The preacher has missed out the inward cross and concentrated on an outer one.

I have seen a revival of this sort of teaching of late. It is the teaching that led to monks to leave normal life and hide themselves away because they thought that it would lead them to be holier. It cannot.

This is not to say that it is wrong to leave the ways of the world behind. The problem is when we start to trust in that rather than trusting in Christ as our sanctification. A man who is truly holy can walk in the world and eat with sinners, and he will not be polluted because his heart has been made pure. The other way leads to legalism and self righteousness.

 2013/9/3 6:32

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