If we are to let "patience have her perfect work" - it would be very helpful to understand what that perfect work is. We know it must relate to our becoming more like our Lord - but if we really understand what James is saying - we will genuinely be enabled to "COUNT IT ALL JOY!" PERFECT must be - "as Your heavenly Father is perfect!" His perfection looks like "being kind to the wicked and the ungrateful." If we are ever to become "perfect and entire" like He is, we must - " be strengthened with all power according to His glorious might unto ALL ENDURANCE and LONG SUFFERING - WITH JOY!" Only being strengthened with the power of God can enable us to love the way God loves - being kind to the wicked and ungrateful - joyfully! Any man can love someone who loves Him; but it takes divine power to enable men to be kind to the wicked and ungrateful - "without murmuring and complaining". How can we possibly learn to become kind to the wicked and the ungrateful if we never suffer from their wickedness or ungratefulness? Dealing with the evil in others is the most painful thing we face outside of dealing with our own evil. It is during the pain of suffering with evil men when we realize just how weak and lacking and unlike God we really are. Ordinary men always eventually seek their own comfort; they will not suffer evil very long! Only those longing to become like their heavenly Father will cry out like Jesus did for power and strength to love and bear with the sins of others - to the very end - laying down their own life! It is during the pain of dealing with sinners that we see our weakness most clearly and can therefore cry out most humbly - strengthen me Father with Your powerful perfect love. This is the perfect work patience desires to finish and this is how our Lord was made perfect through the things He suffered! His was tempted to murmur and complain against the wickedness and ungratefulness of evil men and in His suffering He cried out with loud cries and tears to be saved from responding to evil with evil. He was heard because of His reverent submission and He overcame evil with good. To every injustice and wrong He suffered from wicked men, He gave only grace - only the love of His Father. When patience has finished her perfect work - we will be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect - empowered with all power according to His glorious might unto all endurance and long suffering with joy. When suffering with evil men becomes a painful and joyful endurance to save others through forbearing love - patience will have finished her work. Then we will realize that His grace is sufficient and that His power is made perfect in our weakness - His power can strengthen us to love others like He loved us!
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
can't I just live my best life now?
Better to live His life now, because your best life pales in comparison.
True. . .even when His life leads through suffering we can't understand.A very good related read is Watchman Nee on praising God through our suffering:https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=49931&forum=34