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 Air Force Veteran Relieved of Duty Over Refusal to Affirm Homosexuality

A 19-year Air Force veteran has been relieved of his duties because of his refusal to affirm homosexual behavior. Senior Master Sergeant Monk, recently returned from deployment and serving as a first sergeant at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, found himself at odds with his new commander, an openly homosexual Air Force officer, because of Monk's refusal to agree to disciplinary action against an Air Force instructor over comments the instructor had made about same-sex marriage.

“I was relieved of my position because I don’t agree with my commander’s position on gay marriage,” Monk told Fox News. “We’ve been told that if you publicly say that homosexuality is wrong, you are in violation of Air Force policy.” ...

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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2013/8/19 11:56Profile

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