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  You're watching... Christian girl murdered in Egypt leaving Bible study class

 2013/8/14 21:50

Joined: 2011/10/19
Posts: 112
Georgia, USA

 Re: You're watching... Christian girl murdered in Egypt leaving Bible study cl

How horrible it is for Christians in Egypt! We must pray for them and ask the Lord to strengthen them, give them peace, embolden them, and to protect them. Persecution must come, but God is stronger than it.

Ryan Rutan

 2013/8/14 23:01Profile

 Re: Prayer Call for Rgypt Tonight

If any feel led by the Spirit please join Persecution Watch as we intercede for Egypt tonight. Call time is 8pm central time. The number us 209.255.1000. Access code is 109083#. Call is open to all.

Blaine Scogin
Persecution Watch

 2013/8/15 17:27

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