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Joined: 2008/4/12
Posts: 1306
Hampshire, UK

 Is this wisdom?

Christian's arrested for preaching the gospel in Californian street.
But is there more to this than we first think?

I have done street preaching and witnessing and think it is a important activity to be doing. However my thoughts on this are that these brothers lacked wisdom in the place they chose to preach.

What I mean is, they had a group of people who were waiting in line for an office to open. They were a 'captive' audience and therefore could not choose not to listen or not. Our initial reaction may be that that is a good opportunity to make sure these folk here the gospel! But in reality they are being 'forced' to listen! Jesus never forced anyone to listen to Him. I don't think they should be arrested and the officer was overstepping his authority, but I think the brothers overstepped the rights of the people there.
How would we react if a person from another religion did this and we were in that line? Or what about someone putting on their heavy rock music so we had to listen?

Street preaching in general is OK and good, because folk can walk by and those who want to listen can stop and do so.

What do you think, do we as Christians lack wisdom and make things more difficult for ourselves?


 2013/8/7 5:22Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650

 Re: Is this wisdom?

"What do you think, do we as Christians lack wisdom and make things more difficult for ourselves?"

Yes, exceedingly often.


 2013/8/7 7:11Profile

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