July 7 marks the fortieth anniversary of the day God gathered Sarah Foulkes Moore into His glorious presence. At that time, Willard C. and Sarah Foulkes Moore had labored as one for 32 years in the publication of Herald of His Coming.
When Sister Moore graduated from Bible College and was asked what she felt called to as her ministry for the Lord, she responded, "a stander in the gap." She took this calling from Ezekiel 22:30-31. Ezekiel had the word from the Lord that He was dealing in a drastic way with the Jewish people because of the abominations they had committed in their land, defiling it shamefully and despising His holy things. Through Ezekiel God said,
"And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none. Therefore have I poured out Mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord God."
Sister Moore, born in America, was of Welsh descent. She seemed to have the passionate nature of those in her ancestral land whom God kindled into flames that burst forth in the Welsh Revival. Her keen spiritual nature fitted her to be a fervent intercessor with a burden for nothing less than revival in America and in all the world. While serving in a prayer ministry in Los Angeles, she met W. C. Moore, who also had a deep burden for revival. The Lord united the two of them in marriage in 1937, both being in their latter 40s at the time.
Within a few years the fire burning in their hearts set their pens aflame as well and the monthly publication of Herald of His Coming came into being. It was soon reaching readers around the world, and eventually was a parent publication for other language editions numbering in the 20s. This involved them in frontline battle with opposing powers of darkness that sought to cut off the funds that must ceaselessly be prayed in and to even wring the very life out of them and the ministry. Each month Spirit-anointed material was diligently sought to convey the vital message and send it forth far and wide while postage costs steadily increased. Added to that was the pastoral and practical care and provision for a growing and valued staff whom God graciously led to them, and as well a host of business matters to be handled with utmost integrity. All of this they sought to balance with their heart burden for revival worldwide.
Though Sister Moore tended to be frail in body for many years, Brother Moore spoke lovingly of the "soldier heart" of his beloved wife. He faithfully stood by and assisted her in the midst of the heavy administrative responsibilities he carried, and she loyally upheld the hands of her beloved in prayer through thick and thin. In their latter years among us, it was touching to see the two battle-weary soldiers of Christ, both in their eighties, coming into the prayer room, Sister Moores arm linked with his to steady herself, and his steps slowed to match hers. At the altar of the prayer chapel, they poured out their prayers for the ministry and for revival. Her voice, which once sent strong, direct-to-the-mark volleys of petitions heavenward, now was weak and broken, but stand in the gap she would, if it were her last breath! After Brother Moores more robust Word-filled prayers, they would quietly leave the prayer room in the charge of other leaders, though the inspiration of their visit lingered.
Brother and Sister Moore literally poured out their lives for God and the nation and the world! Who of us will heed Gods call today to give ourselves to be standers in the gap in order that God need not destroy our land? Oh, let us pray one for the other that while our opportunities vary greatly, God will help us obtain grace to be as fully as He enables, the standers in the gap needed in this crucial hour in which we live!
from: http://www.heraldofhiscoming.com/other/home.htm
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon