Hi I am kind of confused. A little over a year ago My ex broke up with me. All the signs pointed to God bringing us together infact the night before she broke up with me a preacher said that we were meant to be together. Now I have met someone else, Im happy but I am scard totry to figure out what God is doing here. Also I am thinking about going to a Christian college next year, and I guess to make a long story short; what should I do?
Hello Rday, welcome.
a preacher said
_________________Mike Balog
i really don't need to add anything to that reply. I would simply like to agree...pray.Two verses are helpful to me (please forgive me if i am taking out of context) in discerning God's will:Matthew 6:33 - "and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern." (NLT)Often i have wanted God's help and direction but his help and direction are clearest when i am making His Kingdom my primary concern. That is essential.John 15:7 "But if you stay joined to me and my words remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be granted." (NLT)That whole section on the vine is helpful to me. As i walk with the Lord (abide in Him) so much becomes clearer...how do i abide? Obey what i already know to be true. As i am faithful in that which i know He will guide me in other areas and reveal His will. Just some thoughts that i have found helpful...and yes continue to pray.God Bless you,Stephen
when it comwa to guidance I love what Abrahams servant said " I being in the way the Lord led me" if we try to wlak always in the Spirit guidance should be a gentle witness in our ear.Paul
_________________Paul R Carley