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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : Move Of The Spirit In Wales

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Joined: 2007/2/3
Posts: 835
Alberta, Canada

 Move Of The Spirit In Wales

My friend Martin in Wales sent me this documentary this morning about the present move of the Spirit in Wales.

(Please, I have no interest in debating the pros and cons; I am just very encouraged to see this move, or revival, or stirring, or outpouring, or whatever you like to call it. It brought tears of joy to my eyes to see the man holding his wheechair over his head... and to hear the wonderful testimonies, especially of that teenager. Oh how I long to see this, and more, here where I live... and everywhere!)

...As far as I know, Victory Church in Cwmbran (pronounced Coombran) is not affiliated with the denomination by that name.)

Allan Halton

 2013/7/23 12:59Profile

Joined: 2006/5/11
Posts: 519
West Sussex, England

 Re: Move Of The Spirit In Wales

Hi Allan, that same video link was posted just a few weeks ago on the forum, though it's good that you've posted it in case others never viewed it.

It seems to be a wonderful thing that is happening there in Cwmbran. I nearly made it there when I travelled back through Wales, after my annual holiday.



David Keel

 2013/7/24 9:26Profile

Joined: 2007/2/3
Posts: 835
Alberta, Canada


Thanks, David, I saw two or three other threads about this but must have missed this one.

I agree that it's a wonderful thing that's happening in Cwmbran. I believe we are going to see it become much larger. A friend reminded me this morning in a comment on my blog ( that Elijah prayed seven times before seeing a cloud "like a man's hand." We know what happened after that.

I am encouraged to persevere in prayer.

Allan Halton

 2013/7/24 10:52Profile

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