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Oh, and my little brother plays the Mandolin! haha long live Chris Thile! (sorry clueless, couldn't help it ;)

Nickle Creek... good stuff!

RobertW writes:
Hi krispy,

Are you referring to this passage?

I agree with your post. I just dont want to see this thread get off onto a rabbit trail. Lets keep it about music.


 2005/3/17 10:33


'This wouldn't have anything to do with you playing a five string banjo would it?'

Not at all! - Although I do hope that God might like the sound of the 5 string banjo as yes I do listen to and play it alot! :-)

I do wonder about the music in Church though and think that people make too big a deal out of it. I think it is good to have a mix of things that all ages can relate to but it can become a massive issue when it doesn't need to be. I have sometimes got fed up in church in the past with the amount of hymns in the service or maybe sometimes I have thought that something sounded a bit dirgy etc but I try to realise that worship is all about me reaching out and praising God and in a sense I suppose it doesn't matter about the music or even sometimes what you are singing and that is really just a secondary thing.

 2005/3/17 10:54

Joined: 2005/1/7
Posts: 267
Morehead, KY




KrispyKrittr wrote:

Rock music has permeated the entire planet... other countries have to deal with this issue too.


WHAT! Your kidding! :-P

I know, I was just trying to say would some churches have a problem here in the states if I where to whip out the congos/bongos and do a "traditional" Latin Hymn.

BTW Nickel Creek makes good music. They did a show here not to long ago and my lil brother got to meet them. He's a guitarist and I play an instrument too.


 2005/3/17 11:10Profile


I think it is good to have a mix of things that all ages can relate to

I've often wondered what that means exactly. I'm 37... I cut my teeth on music in the 80's. Does that mean I can only relate to Motley Crue style music... or Huey Lewis? I relate to all kinds of music, even classical & jazz.


 2005/3/17 12:09

Joined: 2005/1/7
Posts: 267
Morehead, KY


I think it boils down to the basic thought that music helps us say what we cannot say on our own, kind of like when you pray a psalm. I agree that this becomes a major issue, it has been in our church when we started doing more "contmperary worship". "I like philogo's point, what makes music 'chrsitian'"

here in the store we call a whole genere of music "praise and worship". Praise being fast, worshp being slow. yet what makes it worship? The words? the musical style? or the heart?

As stated before, i think it is a heart issue.

huey lewis? ---wow---that's old skool. ;-)


 2005/3/17 12:24Profile

Joined: 2005/3/11
Posts: 4


Hi, Some interesting thoughts...esp in your current situation wow :) That must be "Fun"

Jesus is leading me further and further down the track of obedience, rather than Principles or rules. - Galations 5
Moses for example was well within "the rules" to strike the rock the second time, and water did flow once again, but he didn't see the Kingdom because of his disobedience.
How much more in these days when God writes his words on our hearts.
Combining these concepts with what Ron wrote from Keith Green. Seems to resonate some level of truth to me. Any thoughts?
Mind you I am in the process of being born again! A 'Christian' all my life and really I have only of the past few months had a personal reverlation of Jesus...isn't He awesome!!
Maybe source for a discussion point, is there any difference between a christian and a disciple? And if not...why do so many christians not FOLLOW Him, lose thier lives, Love Him more than their own Mother, Brother...etc? I'll post it :)

Matthew Moran

 2005/3/17 12:33Profile

Joined: 2005/2/16
Posts: 621
Cache Valley, Utah


Psalm 137:1-6 - [i]" By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion. There on the poplars we hung our harps, for there our captors asked us for songs, our tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said, 'Sing us one of the songs of Zion!'. How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land? If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget it's skill. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy."[/i]

As a worship leader, this Scripture is very important to me. I would rather forget how to make music than to sing the songs of the Lord for the world: in carnality, pride, self-love, entertainment, etc.

For Him, or none at all.

Also, Amos 5:21-24 (READ THIS) condemns even godly worship that is done where no righteousness or justice exists.

Eli Brayley

 2005/3/17 14:54Profile

Joined: 2004/5/13
Posts: 129

 Re: The Kind Of Music God Likes

I sing for a band of beleivers, and we tend to rearrainge CCM music out of musical joy. We also interject secular tunes regarding the human condition in order to show the example of our weakness (as He is strong).
Expressing ourselves as a reflection of the joy of our salvation is like art itself; beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The Rom 14:14 passage cited keeps us wary, and hopefully honest, though.
People seem to react best to our music when they can see the sentiment and reliance on God, and feel it. At least as a vocalist I beleive this. My battle is not letting it go to my head when they think I am really 'on'...

Huey Lewis? Gosh, I am glad we had Tears for Fears in the 80's!

Luther used beer hall tunes at times.

Remember to pray for Christian musicians!

 2005/3/17 15:38Profile

Joined: 2005/1/29
Posts: 154
Kansas City, Missouri

 Re: The Kind of Music God likes.

Hello Eli,

Sadly, the position of Worship Leader in this thread today was negated, or at least called into question. The opinion given it may not be a gifted position that is included with 1 Cor 12:28?

David was very serious in his approach to the ministry of music in the Tabernacle, as you can read in 1 Chronicles. David told the leaders of the Levites to appoint their brothers as singers to sing joyful songs, accompanied by musical instruments: lyres, harps and cymbals. Heman and Jeduthan were responsible for the sounding of the trumpets and cymbals and for the playing of other instruments for sacred songs.

Some of the words in these passages and similar passages are “appoint”, “responsible”, “designate”, and “chosen”. The Ministry of praise and music was considered so critical and important to the functions of the priesthood that men were carefully selected and consecrated to that ministry. These people were appointed full-time to fulfill their ministry of praise unto the Lord.

How does this Colossians passage fit in ?

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. “ (Colossians 3:16)

I guess I am posting this because of the Lord’s displeasure with me, of minimizing in the past even recent past, of Ministry in the Body of Christ.


Tony Sexton

 2005/3/17 16:31Profile

Joined: 2005/1/7
Posts: 267
Morehead, KY

 Re: Music of the Heart

What is the basic definition of music?

Music--Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony, or rhythm.

Praise/Worship--The reverent love and devotion accorded to God or The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed.

pleasing-Giving pleasure or enjoyment; agreeable.

Those three things should be the measuring rod of the kind of music God likes.


 2005/3/17 16:48Profile

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