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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : Wind of the Spirit - The Story of the Lewis Revival

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 Wind of the Spirit - The Story of the Lewis Revival

with the days so dark, and felled a wee bit by illness, I found this most blessed video....o Praise God! it brings such Hope to a thirsty soul like mine.

 2013/6/15 12:44

 Re: Wind of the Spirit - The Story of the Lewis Revival

such a blessed and REAL heart I find myself filled with a Godly envy.

 2013/6/15 13:27

Joined: 2006/5/11
Posts: 519
West Sussex, England


Thank you for posting this Hez. I like the Duncan Cambell teaching and testimonies from the Revival as well.

David Keel

 2013/6/15 19:48Profile

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