There is a Biblical simplicity and truth that the true Church is always unified as one in Gods eyes. The Church today is in many ways unified in purpose spiritually, but unity rarely manifests physically in a locality. Yet it is the will of God for the local gathering of the body of Christ to be unified spiritually in a physical setting. The Chinese underground Church is a great example to us. They have eight major branches but are unified with respect to all major doctrines. God has allowed for different sects and groups to form with unique recoveries of truth in each generation. Yet in the end of the age each group must desire the true unity of the body of Christ.In the end times God is calling for all believers to have the same mind as Jesus Christ in seeing the Church as one, for in heaven there will be only one Church and it is a called-out Assembly that glorifies God and walks in holiness.So we must look past all labels and denominations and see each true believer as God sees them. In 2 Timothy the Scriptures clearly show how God sees those who are His: Nevertheless, Gods solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: The Lord knows those who are His, and, everyone who confesses the Name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness. So we also see those in different sects and groups who are departing from sin and the ways of the world and we can have fellowship with them as we are on this similar pilgrim way.If we would have spiritual eyes to see the body of Christ as the Lord sees from heaven we would be shocked to see believers shining in white from all different denominations and sects.Though there is a precious gem of truth to be admired in each denominational group in that they perhaps have more light on a certain doctrine than others, the burden of the Lord for the end times Church is to have a unified body that shares all these truths in balance. The fullness of Christ is Gods ultimate end for each local body, a Bride without spot or blemish, or wrinkle.It should be every believers goal to be a part of a maturing gathering of believers where all grow up into full maturity. In the same way, it is every believers individual aim to become perfect even as our Father in heaven is perfect.The Lord will have a Bride, His holy people, gathered in the end times under one banner: The Lord Jesus Christ.from:
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Amen! May we see the true value of each member of the Body of Christ whichHe has purchased with His own blood.Mike
_________________Mike link is to a book that you can read online entitled "Principles for the Gathering of Believers Under the Headship of Jesus Christ." One of the chapters of this book came from the post "Looking past the divisions of denominations and Seeing the Bride of Christ." This is a very good resource on the Headship of Christ and the Body of Christ. Mike