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Discussion Forum : Articles and Sermons : The Great Need to Gather in Small Fellowships Under Christ

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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 The Great Need to Gather in Small Fellowships Under Christ

The Anabaptists were a group of godly brothers from many different backgrounds that met in small groups during the time of Martin Luther and the reformation. From early Anabaptist literature we learn that they were instructed to meet together in small groups 3-4 times a week. They also understood that any fellowship they would have with each other resulted directly from their fellowship with Christ, thus keeping the reality of an individual vibrant relationship with Christ an integral building block of any Assembly or gathering of the saints.

Those who gather together as the body of Christ must be gathered by the Lord. Many are too busy and rushed to really hear the voice of God speaking to them. It is time to wait upon the Lord and allow Him to direct us where He would take us. It is very important at the end of the age to be found directly in the will of God.

Our Lord Jesus gives us a very sobering account of five foolish and five wise virgins.

It should be our goal to find like-minded fellowship with believers in Jesus Christ who are trimming their wicks and filling their vessels with oil.

Many lament the lack of true godly fellowship but only find it in a few other saints in the Lord. Thus may we be freed to realize that when we meet in this way, even as 2-3 believers in a room, we are the Church. As God grows and adds to the number, then giftings and callings will manifest. These giftings allow for a fuller expression of the Church which brings honor to the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ.


SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2013/6/4 10:01Profile

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