I've carefully followed much of the discussion in the forums for a while and had desperately wanted to make some comments but the events of the past week somehow made me soft pedal. By that I mean the hacking to death of a dear British soldier by some fellows who turned out to be Nigerians.
I first learnt of d incident by d post here on SI and quickly followed d link. I was first shocked when I saw a black male with blood stained hands.As usual I whispered "pls LORD don't let these terrorists be nigerians." I had a little relief as I read further and learnt that the leader of d duo had a strong South London accent. I was devastated the next day when I heard that he's in fact against all my wish a Nigerian.
The apparent caveat to his "nigerianness" which states that he's born british and has been there all his life ddnt make any difference to me. The mere mention of 'Nigeria' in association with one of d worst cold-blooded-broad-daylight homicides in history is just one-too-many. As at d time, d identity of d second fellow was not yet determined. I also wished he'd be of a different nationality but in d end, he also turned out nigerian.
This is so sad because already 'nigeria'as a word is almost synonimous with criminality. Infact, in certain quarters, its almost assumed that being nigerian somehow increases one's propensity towards criminality. And certainly such a barbarian act in Woolwich last Wednesday gives further credence to such views.
Though I desperate wanted to comment in d forums, I remembered am Nigerian and realized this is not d right time to be one. I felt like keeping away from d forums long enough for everyone to forget. I was also tempted to change my SI profile signature which is strongly nigerian.
The fact remains that I and other nigerians would share a measure of blame for the Woolwich terror incident -whether we like it or not. We may be partly blamed because we share same ancestry with the parents of those terrorists. We may also be partly blamed because our ancestors found themselves at d wrong side of d geological divide after "big bang" (if there was any).
In d end, being nigerian has left me with a handicap and I'd better learned to live with it. Knowledge of this reality has furnished me with enough reasons to conquer inertia and come public with my view on various burning issues in d last few weeks.
MY VIEWS First of all, I'd like to say that on Friday before last(May 17th), I hit the age of 30 and by Aug 23rd ds year, I'd be 20yrs old in d LORD. Am a member and communicant of d Methodist Church Nigeria and have never received any formal theological training of any kind. This statistics may be vital because I'd like to show that my views are to my knowledge original ie they're informed by the light of my heart and not by any systematic training. I'd also like to say that I consider it a rare privilege to be afforded d opportunity to differ in opinion from some brothers here in SI forums who're old enough to be my fathers and who also may have met d LORD long before I was born. Its only d Cross that could create such a forum and for this,I am grateful.
I'm shocked at d haste with which some dear people in our forums discredit d teachings of some preachers and sometimes almost question d very foundation of their redemption. They're so ruthless in criticism that once they lay their "critical hands" on any preacher and his work, like Euroclydon, they won't let go till they completely run him under(Acts27:14-6). I wish we'd limit our use of d word "false" in qualifying d teachings of some preachers. Or in d worst case scenario, lets show these preachers some love by highlighting some of their teachings which are sound even as we label d other fraction 'false.' I say this in relation to d desperate attempt by our people to "poopoo" d report of what God seem to be doing presently in Cwmbran South Wales.
Some of our people laid their 'critical hands' on Pastor Raymond Taylor and tore that work into shreds and by d time they were through with him, there were almost no pieces left to gather. The excitement I first had when I saw the headline on the work in Cwmbran has almost ground to a halt. I excitedly downloaded one of Pastor Raymond's sermon on youtube a week ago but has lacked d courage to listen to it due to bias.
D respect I once had for Tommy Tenney is gradually turning into suspicion. From what I read in d forums, my mind has been so poisoned against Tommy such that I'm not sure I'd even offer him a sit if he shows up at my house tomorrow morning. This ought not to be so men and brethren. I'd have been better off if someone had also highlighted some 'good' in his teachings while highlighting d seeming 'false' in d spirit of fair play.
I do not expect that we would all ever agree in doctrine. Some must of necessity be Apostles to d Jews while some must be to the Gentiles. But the one must not deny d other their 'right hand of fellowship.'
We may need to borrow a leaf from Apostle Paul on how best to treat these our brothers in error. "It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. The latter do so in love... The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely,... But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice." Phil1:15-8(NIV).
It'd make all d difference if we'd realize that Some of them peddle this half-baked gospel just because that's d measure of light they have received. This places an enormous responsibility of us who seem to know more, to treat them with love and per chance, do for them what Aquilla & Priscilla did for Apollos in Acts18:26.
Concerning the present work in Cwmbran, I'd speak with a considerable degree of reluctance. Especially because many of our people felt they were deceived by previous outpourings and have therefore adopted an almost hostile attitude to any claims of special visitations.
My first impression of the present work in Cwmbran is that the source is "extra terrestial." Whether its of God or not is not d point am making presently. My point is, something has happened in that Church that has detained our attention. the mere fact that I (in far away Africa) am discussing the ongoing events at a church in a town in South Wales whose name I may never have known, means dat something happened there. That "thing" whatever it is, must have been brought about by an exra terrestial power. I'd say the same for all these other movements of d last two decades which we severely criticise. These include but not limited to: the Smithton outpouring, Pensacola Florida, Holy Trinity Brompton, Toronto blessings etc.
One common note that resonate between the above movements is that they all attracted people. Some in our SI forums say they were drawn into these movements and were deceived. As right as that may be, it also goes further to buttress d point am making as to d spiritual origin of these movements. The human mind alone couldn't have worked up all that and succeeded in pulling people from distant lands to these centers.
Now d question as to whether their spiritual source is God or satan Is a question whose answer I do not claim to have. But I'd trymy best to present a balanced case from both sides and allow us judge.
A dear brother once said that Rodney Howard Browne must have gotten d powers dat inspired d Toronto Blessing from one of those "juju" priests in Africa. Given dat dis claim is true; Given dat one of those juju priests so replete in Africa "packaged" Pst Rodney, sent him to d US and recorded such a phenomenal success as Toronto Blessing, then why hasn't that same juju priest or his colleagues 'manufactured' another Rodney? Or better still, why hasn't Pst Rodney pulled such stunt again ?
I really thought I'd steer clear of this troubled water since I don't have any interests in these controversial movements and therefore have no need defending them. But a similar case has come up again in South Wales and I see us towing d same path. So I find it necessary to take a stand.
I find it very unsatisfactory when we dismiss these movements as not being of God and we stop right there. When we say they're not of God, we must narrow it down to satan since any middle ground explanation wouldn't serve. It doesn't matter which of them we turn to, if its not of God, it cannot be of man without any extra terrestial aid to successfully hoax people, delude human minds and hold them sway for weeks and months.
I have a few reservations against d theory of their satanic source. Among d few reasons I have against this theory, d only one I deem appropriate presently is their non-proliferation. If the Toronto blessing (for example) had a satanic source, if that preacher from South Africa actually got satanic powers to make d "Toronto blessing" happen, then am surprised why it hasn't been proliferated since it was obviously very successful? Why hasn't he or any other preacher attatched to d other similar movements pulled d same "string" and bounce back into d centre of media attention? Why not keep using d winning formula?
One of d churches wt a history of such movement in the late 1990's is said to have hit bankruptcy within d last decade.Concerning this Church and d movement associated with it a dear brother with an eye witness account wrote thus "Make up your own mind: -- does this eye witness account sound like "revival" or is it a "satanic counterfeit?" You be the judge." (REVIVAL...OR SATANIC COUNTERFEIT?" By Jimmy Robbins)http://amightywind.com/wolves/pensacol.htm
If I were d judge and had reasons to rule that this movement in question was a "satanic counterfeit", I'd also rule that the Pastor in question must've acted in complicity with the devil to bring that movement about. I'd also rule that the presence of such a complicity makes d likelihood of a recurence of the said 'counterfeit' most probable.
With over a decade past and d absence of a recurence/ proliferation of these movements by their various leaders, the presence of such a 'complicity' between these leaders and d devil should therefore be deemed most unlikely.
Having said that, I'd also state that I accept all d observations made by Brother Robbins but only differ with him on inference.This also goes for all d other controversial movements of the 90's that miserably failed to fit d description of d Revivals we recognise. There is no denying the fact that they all failed to deliver on the promise of a Heaven-sent Revival and may also have left in their wake a half-baked christian experience.
Every explanation in their favour, therefore,must uphold these observable discrepancies while seeking to identify the finger of God in them all.
MUSIC WHILE WE WAIT ! We sing showers of blessings we need; mercy drops round us are falling, but for the showers we plead.
This blessed Revival hymn presupposes the fact that between the times of showers of blessings, there are seasons of mercy drops interspersed. These mercy drops do not fit the description of d showers and may be severely criticised for not quenching the thirst of d thirsty and watering the fields. But its wise to see that mercy drops simply serve as "music while we wait."
Certain instances in the Bible will show that our God sometimes provides His people with "mercy drops" while waiting for the appropriate Time to give His people the "showers."
For instance, from Hebrews 10:1-5 and other scriptures, we understand that animal sacrifices of d OT was just an ad hoc arrangement while the world waited for the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world who must come at Gods sovereign time.
The story of the pool of Bethesda captured in John 5:1-4 shows another ad hoc arrangement which God in His gracious providence provided for the people while they waited for His ultimate Provision. God's ultimate provision was d manifestation of our LORD JESUS who'd take away sickness and disease. But till He comes, the pool of Bethesd
a was sort of "music while they waited" for d nation Isreal. The pool of Bethesda may have been severely criticised then for being so weak in design that it was possible for an impotent man to be there for thirty eight years without solution. It seems the pool failed so miserably in its promise to offer instant healing as soon as d angel stirred d river. I can see hundreds jump in at d stirring of d river and had to be rescued from drowning by relatives while only one person comes off d pool with a testimony. I imagine that it was after numerous failed attempts that it was at lasr established that d miracle happens on first-come-first-serve basis.
Its a system open to rebuke, with so many loopholes, and neither knows or cares how long one's been there or the severity of d case. This deficiency our LORD first addressed as soon as He came. Bible said He "saw him lie,and knew that he had been now a lond time in that case..." But that's why the pool was only a "music while they waited."
I see a parallel between these two cases and these movements we consider sub-standard.I see them all in d light of music while we wait.
The LORD in His mercy has planned for our generation the most dangerous Revival outbreaks in Church. A Revival that will shake d very foundations of civilization. A Revival that will baffle historians. This Revival will produce a Church without spot, without wrinkle. A Church that'd would crush d serpent's head. Islam will be dealt with a devastating blow and much of North Africa that was once the hub of d early church would become christian again. Ordinary christians will be so anointed as to make d anointing currently peddled on TV's today a child's play. D entertainment industry the world over will suffer severely. Many football clubs in Europe & across d world will disband as superstar players and coaches give away lucrative carriers for an opportunity to preach d gospel in distant lands. This Revival will almost make Hollywood history and politicians in a desperate effort to recover civilization as they know it will set out to severely persecute d Church as enemies of civilization.
But what happens between now and then? Do we keep waiting in a blank? What if God in His Sovereignty had decided to grant us this occasional "music while we wait" as currently being experienced in Cwmbran?
Marred by obvious irregularities, the animal sacrifices of d OT, the pool of Bethesda, the Smithton outpouring, d HTB outpouring, the Toronto blessing and d Cwmbran visitation are all ordained by God to serve as "music while we wait."
So let's show Pastor Ritchie some love and pray for him when we can. Chances are that he may have rejected other controversial outpourings but its now his turn on d hot seat. Who knows who'd be next?
This digging deep into the alleged spiritual "impartation" on him by Tommy Tenny wouldn't help in d long run. We didn't question his integrity when he took a stand for d kingdom and lost government funding; we didn't suspect him all these years he's been toiling to reach delinquent youths for Christ; but now that it seems D Lord is beginning to show him mercy, we suddenly remembered he has links with a man of questionable theology. Men and brethren, this is NOT fair.
Someone has rightly observed that there's no "hell fire" preaching at Cwmbran and therefore no revival is expected to result from that work anytime soon. I differ slightly in opinion on d grounds that I consider "hell fire" preaching an effect rather than a cause of Revival. Whereas there can be 'hell fire' preaching without a Revival, there'd never be a genuine Revival without 'hell fire' preaching. The one is the cause; the other the effect.
I most sincerely thank our dear Sister who brought the news of the work at Cwmbran to us and also for giving us reasons to believe in d integrity of Pst Richards.
I also thank our dear brother who went out of his way to visit Cwmbran and bring us a first hand account of events as they happened. He also told us that Pst Richards has gone a-fishing (on a brief vacation) and I find that particularly amusing.
In a comic sense, it reminds me of Apostle Peter who was d first Apostle to go a-fishing byway of vacation. I like to imagine what those seven Apostles were doing before Peter opted out. Could be the six took turns to criticise him for denying our LORD. I like to imagine that d criticism became so much that Peter blurted " I go a fishing." Interestingly those other Apostles still followed him.
I don't know if Pst Richard of Victory Church frequents our SI forums. Could be he's felt d weight of our criticisms. Under simillar circumstances d Apostle went a fishing, amd now he also has gone a fishing. And I hope you're not thinking Brother Emeka will Just sit back here and watch him go alone.
Brother Emeka still writes from d heart of Tropical Africa! _________________ Emeka Joe Uzosike