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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 To God Be The Glory by Robert Wurtz II

One of the indictments on man is that "none seeks after God... they have all turned aside after their own way." Our responsibility is to respond rightly to God when He comes to do a work. It is God's work. He is the author and finisher of our faith. Our responsibility is to cooperate with Him. Stephen adds to this point in Acts 7 when he told the religious leaders that they did always resist the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is resistible and will not always strive with man (Genesis 6).

To answer the vain hope that man could ever boast and take credit for their salvation, Jesus gives us a right perspective; "So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.'" (Luke 17:10 NIV) All we can ever do is what is expected of us. I think this reality is blurred by the times we live in that things everything should be praised and rewarded, even common things such as acting civilized or being a good citizen (for example). Some things in life never deserve honor, they are "our duty" as human beings. Obeying our Creator is "our duty". God gets the glory for everything.

An example of God choosing and man choosing is found in Deuteronomy 7:6 and Joshua 24:15:

For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession. (Deut 7:6)

" And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)

God had chosen Israel, now Israel had a choice. They could respond to Him in obedience and faith or they could perish like the rest of the nations. God gave Israel and the Gentiles the ability to choose. Otherwise, responsibility without ability = blame-ability. In other words, He could blame us and hold us accountable for something we could not do. God said through Isaiah, "All day long have I stretched forth my hand unto a wicked and rebellious people." This is God's initiative. Many Israelites died and were lost. They heard the message but refused to mix it with faith the writer to the Hebrews explained. In time Abraham's seed came to be viewed as God's means of Divine Election. John the Baptist said differently. God could raise up stones to Abraham, but He didn't want stones; He wanted men and women. Many are called, but few are chosen. Of those that are called and chosen, even fewer are called and chosen and faithful. (Revelation 17:14) We have a choice to make. Will we or will we not stop resisting the Holy Spirit? If we do God will do a great work, if not He has already said He will not always strive.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2013/5/27 9:06Profile

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA

 Re: To God Be The Glory by Robert Wurtz II

Now that is a good, biblical exposition on God's sovereignty and glory on the one hand, and man's responsibility before God on the other hand. I've never quite heard it explained that way, as far as man only doing his duty in responding to God's command to turn to Him, and therefore not being able to take any glory from God when God saves him.

Reformed brethren usually will say that if man can make a choice to respond to God's command to repent and believe the gospel, it gives man a measure of glory to boast in. But not so, as brother Robert explains so well.

Another way I've explained it is by comparing salvation to a gift that one receives and can take no credit for. For example, let's say you were a non-Christian and you had a serious amount of debt for which you were facing imprisonment should you not pay it, and you were broke. And let's say that I, as a Christian, offered to help you pay your debt, and on top of that offered you some extra finances to buy necessities for you and your family.

Let's also suppose I offered all this to you after you insulted and highly offended me for no reason. Suppose the only condition I placed on you is that you sincerely apologize for having offended me without cause. And let's suppose you were really surprised and humbled by my offer, and you humbly and gladly accepted and received my offer and sincerely apologized for offending me without cause. The fact that you received my gift would not mean that you earned or deserved my gift in the least bit. Choosing to freely receive a gift is not the same as earning or working for something. In other words, the person on the receiving end cannot take credit for a gift they receive without deserving or earning it. The only thing they can reasonably boast about is the kindness of the giver.

I know that that is a poor analogy but I hope and trust the point is clear.


 2013/5/28 1:18Profile

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