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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : "The Azusa Street Revival Documentary "

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 "The Azusa Street Revival Documentary "

My prayer is that this documentary bless and embolden all who see it, that all who see it, watch with an open heart, eschewing all preconceived earthly divisions and prejuidices.

as the LORD is my witness, I yearn for an Outpouring of His Holy Spirit, crossing all fences of denominationalism, into the Sheepfold of Jesus...Jesus, our beautiful Jesus, Whose Blood Says Everything.

God love you all, neil

 2013/5/23 7:46


oh, to be able to redeem such as the internet by the wealth of the Deep Things of God on it!!!

part 1

part 2

oh dear Jesus, bless the heart and soul of your flock, that watch this, and Lord, with great trepidation, lets us pray what Evan prayed, "Bend us!" merciful in this bending, we plead, amen

 2013/5/23 8:19

 Re: "The Azusa Street Revival Documentary "

a note---as I watch this, reminded of the human history, meaning brother Parhams school that was part of the Topeka awakening of 1901...I fast forward to this time, and with great grief, realize that if one mentions the city of "Topeka" today....and the word, "Christian" TODAY....most outsiders will say, "Isnt that where Fred Phelps and his "westboro Baptist "church" reside?"

and as many of us know Fred Phelps has done much harm to the Ministry of Christ and Him Crucified....with his "God dot dot".

satan is indeed a dreadful enemy, but HalleLuYah to God, Praise be to Jesus, for the Holy Spirit that overcomes the schemes of this enemy of everything good pure and Godly!!!

 2013/5/23 8:32

 another comment on this documentary

while in minute 24, I've noticed heavy emphasis on what is called "speaking in tongues"...glossolalia.

Praise God for this Gift, however, to me, as led by the Lord, the Joy of Revival, which is God saturating an area, with His Very Presence, and supernaturally convicting sinners of sin, convicting the ungodly for the Need of God, convicting them of sins hidden, sonvicting them of the reality of being separated from Him, and filling them with the Knowledge the only avenue OUT of this dire predicament is Thru Jesus and the Blood of the Lamb of God, that cleanses us from ALL sin....THIS, Sovereign Vistation/Saturation.....THAT! is the Joy of Revival!!

what am I saying? me, "tongues", glossolalia is not the focus of Revival....the Focus of Revival is God in His Sovereignty...coming down in Holy Ghost Power, and changing EVERYTHING in a given locale.

and the direction things are going to day? these times?......the only power we have, is thru prayer in the Holy Spirit, saying "Lord, God Most High...oh please dear've done it before...please, do it again! in Jesus Name i pray!

to have that holy hunger to see God move in such a way, must the all consuming nature of our lives, cutting across all lines of man made divisions and doctrines.

i'm getting desperate...and i'm getting to the point where I can no longer bear the petty arguments over this doctrine and that doctrine.....Please Lord, bring us Revival....stem the tide of souls marching into hell.....cant we see them?.....doesn't that break our hearts? I know it breaks Your Heart Jesus....come in Power, I beg of You O LORD

 2013/5/23 9:10

Joined: 2010/10/26
Posts: 157
University of Calabar Nigeria

 Re: "The Azusa Street Revival Documentary "

Thanks Brother Neil for the post. I followed the link and downloaded it on youtube. I was really blessed by it I tell you.

Couldn't stop crying at about d 38th minute when they read a narrative by a child who experienced Azusa - guess its excerts from Fire in Azusa.

It gave me reasons again to pray for and desire a Revival.
You've always told me d possibility of a Revival that could begin in Africa and evangelize d "West", wish I could tell you how seriously I take that.

I Will follow d links and download d Welsh revival videos at my earliest convenience.
God's richest blessings!

Emeka Joe Uzosike

 2013/5/29 16:44Profile

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