...She had heard about Jesus, and now she came and fell at His feet (Mk. 7:25)....Oh, Master! We dont want to view christianity as a club that exists for the purpose of reviewing Your good deeds and teachings of the past! Weve heard about You and want to come and fall down at Your feet... Youre the Master. You call the shots, and well obey. PLEASE heal our lives and emotions and bodies and pasts and soulsonly You have the authority and power to forgive and to heal. Please, Jesus? And we WILL declare your praises to all we meet. ...She had heard about Jesus, and now she came and fell at His feet.______________________This was shared with me and I found it so encouraging. I pray I don't ever lose that desire to fall at HIS feet and just know HIM. Often with the many discussions, the back and forth of doctrines, the endless debates of theology, I find it easy to lose sight of JESUS HIMSELF...I don't want that to happen in my life with HIM. HE truly is LORD and MASTER and HE will led me every moment of every day if I will simply submit and follow. I have learned that those precious times when I get to fall at HIS feet are truly the ones that mean the most and I hold very dear.God blessmj