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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : WHY DIDN'T THE WELSH AND THE AZUSA STREET REVIVALS MEET ?

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Joined: 2010/10/26
Posts: 157
University of Calabar Nigeria


I spent much part of the month of April reflecting on all I know of the Azusa Street Revival and also thanking God for that move of His Spirit. This is because records tell me that that move of God started gathering momentum at about the second week of April 1906.

As I reflected on the Welsh and d Azusa Street Revivals and the links that seem to exist between them, one question that always pop up in my mind is "why didn't the Welsh and the Azusa Street Revivals meet?"

First of all, this question found the basis for a moment's consideration in my mind because of the link that seem to exist between both revivals and the hunger in the hearts of the leaders of these revivals on both sides of d Atlantic for a bigger outpouring even at the peak of God's work in their locality.

Its on record that about a year before Revival broke out in California, Brother Bartlemann began and maintained a consistent correspondence with Evan Roberts. Brother Bartlemann would later became one of the leaders in the Azusa street move. At the request of Frank Bartlemann, Evan Roberts listed for him some principles for securing Revival and bade him to pursue it. I've had reasons to treasure some of Evan Roberts's letters to Bartlemann most dearly. The one Evan told Bartlemann "what can I ever say to encourage you in this terrible fight" makes me very emotional.

Evan Roberts also promised to mobilise prayers for a God-sent Revival in California. "May God send Revival to California" he prayed.

Its also on record that Brother Seymour and the other leaders in Azusa still desired and anticipated a greater outpouring than that which they were enjoying at the time at 312 Azusa Street. This could be seen from the letter Brother Seymour wrote to Dr Parham in which he is said to have expressed the hope that the coming of Dr Parham will lead to the outbreak of what he called "the great one."

While the leaders in Azusa were desiring an outpouring greater than what they had at the time, Evan Roberts was also praying for and desiring same. In one of his writings at d time, he spoke of a Revival far greater than the Welsh Revival of which he said he'd been asking for permission to help bring it about. In d very next sentence, after what seemed as if he couldn't secure any Divine assurance of his participation in this mother-of-all Revivals, he said "thousands shall do more than we have done."

Over 100 years later, we having the privilege of overview know that no other Revival in d 20th century had surpassed their's in glory. Its as if the "great one" they kept refering to is still ahead.

My question is; when the leaders in Azusa sensed the need for a more experienced hand to offer leadership to that move of God, why didn't they send for Evan Roberts instead of Dr Parham? Dr Parham came with a critical spirit and in his own words "found conditions worse than he had anticipated" as is always d case for those who approach every new move of God with an already biased mind. They always find "conditions worse than they had anticipated."

My next question is, when the leaders in Azusa found Dr Parham's spirit too harsh to be accomodated in d Azusa work and had to show him the door, why on earth did Bro Bartlemann not suggest Evan Roberts's name to Bro Seymour and d others?

And then the million dollar question: after Evan Roberts had written to a Brother in California outlining certain principles for securing Revival and also promised to mobilize prayers for an outpouring in California, why wasn't he tempted to cross the Atlantic when the news of d Azusa street Revival outbreak topped the charts around d globe?

Obviously, nothing gladdens the heart of an intercessor like an answered prayer! Many a prayer-warrior would traverse air, land and sea just to witness first-hand what God has done in answer to his/her prayers. Afterall in Luke2:24-38, Simeon and Anna who'd prayed for "the consolation of Isreal" conquered the barrier of old age and rushed up to d temple to see the infant Jesus just before he's dedicated. I guess they were so excited to see the answer to their prayers that they forgot the weakness posed by old age.

So why didn't Evan Roberts cross the Atlantic? Wouldn't a contact with d "American dream" have made him into an international property as was d case with his other compatriots like J.Edwin Orr, Smith Wigglesworth, Ravenhill, Derek Prince and others from d British Isles ? (This is just for teasing sake, I do not believe these individuals wouldn't have become public properties had they not been to America).

As I pondered on these endless questions, I remembered that Dr F.B Meyer -who was one of d most celebrated preachers in Britain at d turn of d twentieth century- expressed happiness that Evan Roberts wouldn't take any step presumptiously unless he was assured of Divine approbation.

In his own words Dr Meyer said "I have d privilege of personal friendship with Evan Roberts and greatly thank God that he will not go in front of the Divine Spirit, but is willing to stand aside and remain in the background, unless he is perfectly sure that the Spirit of God is moving him. It is a profound lesson for us all."

Could that be the reason? Could it be that Evan Roberts was so sensitive to d Spirit that he was hindered from crossing the Atlantic like the case of Apostle Paul (Acts16:6-7) was hindered by the Spirit to preach in Asia and Bithynia?

Could it also be that the same Spirit had prevented the hidden motions of the hearts of the leaders at Azusa -especially Bro Bartlemann- from ever thinking of inviting Evan Roberts to grace the Azusa Street Revival with his presence?

The truth is only Eternity would answer these questions satisfactorily. Until then its human for us to speculate.

The fact remains that both Evan Roberts and Bro Seymour didn't consider the Welsh & the Azusa street revivals of 1904/5 and 1906 respectively the greatest ever in Church history. They both saw a greater Revival ahead and tried to reach out for it. It seemed Evan Roberts knew its not for him while Brother William Seymour reached out for it by inviting Dr Charles Parham whom he thought would prepare them better for it.

Hypothetically, I assume that the course of recorded history wouldve been different had Evan Roberts crossed the Atlantic especially at the peak of what God did in Azusa Street in California.

I submit that if those two Revivals had met, the spiritual synergy generated wouldve caused a ***SPARK*** never before seen in all of Church history. Chances are that such a move wouldve sparked off a wave of evangelism that wouldve prepared the World for rapture long before even the Antichrist is ready to take over. That means we'd have had d rapture before certain structures necessary for the soft-landing of the Antichrist were already in place. Structures like d modern Indepedent State of Isreal which ddnt exist till 1948; United Nations which is necessary platform for one world govt & religion; Internet banking & radio frequency Identification device RFID all necessary for d fulfillment of Rev13:17 and a host of other structures.

If those two revivals had met and d relevant "hypothetical synergy created," it means our LORD wouldve come a little earlier and the list of things that wouldve been out of place would go on for ever.

D LORD in His infinite Wisdom restricted those brothers just to create the opportunity for my generation. While we wonder why the Welsh and d Azusa Street Revivals did not meet and why Evan Roberts, Brother Seymour and their class of Revivalist only hit revivals once in their lifetime and never struck again, we must remain humble and grateful to D LORD that those brothers who went ahead of us were restricted from pioneering the last move of God just to create the opportunity for you and Brother Emeka.

Brother Emeka writes from the heart of tropical Africa - Nigeria!

Emeka Joe Uzosike

 2013/5/1 10:33Profile

Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK


The Greatest ever Revival is coming everyday that passes is one more day closer.


Also in the heart of tropical Africa - Nigeria!

Colin Murray

 2013/5/1 16:14Profile

Joined: 2010/10/26
Posts: 157
University of Calabar Nigeria


Each time I hear that Brother Collin, some part of me is stirred. Can't wait to witness this move of God that will produce the Church without spot; without wrinkle.

As I walk through the streets of my neighbourhood, I see a massive influx of muslims from northern Nigeria who're fleeing the activities of d dreaded Boko Haram terrorists. Tried preaching to one of them some days ago but gave up in frustration due to language barrier.

Even as I gave up in frustration, I was imagining what it'd be like if we'd experienced this outpouring we're yearning for. Language then would never be a barrier. We wouldn't need to struggle arguing with Muslims. The very atmosphere we carry would bring their arguments under subjection.

A Pastor told me never to expect a repetition of what happened in Azusa. He believed those times are gone. Popular definitions of revival here is so diverse that the term itself gets sullied in d mulky waters of definition. Am told that there's now a revival against corruption; against electoral malpractice , revival of properity, etc.

I think its a subtle trick of d enemy to so confuse the term "Revival" with ambigous & far sweeping definitions that the real meaning of it would get sullied by default.

I wish the LORD by His Spirit would hasten our preparedness and then pour out His Spirit and save us from all these embarrassment.

Am American wrote a book entitled "don't start the revolution without me," on a personal basis, if I have my way, I'd pray "please LORD don't this Revival without me or when am gone."

Emeka Joe Uzosike

 2013/5/2 3:13Profile

Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK


Quote: I think its a subtle trick of d enemy to so confuse the term "Revival" with ambigous & far sweeping definitions that the real meaning of it would get sullied by default

If we truly expect a move of God, God stepping down and affecting whole country's then we can only expect for his people that a part of it to be Holy, any other than that would be a farce...

Part of Duncans Campbell's testimony

Will you make me as holy as a saved man can be?’ It was Robert Murray M’Cheyne's prayer. Instantly the power of God the Holy Ghost fell upon me on that horse's back, bringing cleansing and renewal until I felt as pure as an angel." "The consciousness of God was so real that he thought he was going straight to heaven. But God had other work for him to do, and this experience was preparation for it

Quote: Even as I gave up in frustration, I was imagining what it'd be like if we'd experienced this outpouring we're yearning for. Language then would never be a barrier. We wouldn't need to struggle arguing with Muslims. The very atmosphere we carry would bring their arguments under subjection

Here is an part of Duncan Campbell find this part in it..

Oh, I was weak. My voice wasn't strong. I began to talk about Jesus in Gaelic. There wasn't a man there who could understand me. To them it was a strange language, but a strange stillness and peace came upon the whole casualty station. One young lad said, ‘Trooper, can’t you speak to us in English? We are seeking Jesus.’

"It wasn't long," said Duncan, "before I discovered powers resident within me that were fighting against my desire for godliness and holiness, a power well entrenched in my nature, a power that battled against my best endeavors. So with the Apostle Paul I frequently cried, ‘Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of death? The good that I would, I cannot do, and the evil that I hate, that I do.’ However, the day came when that was changed, and changed under very strange circumstances, when my mother’ prayers and my plea for deliverance were answered. I found myself severely wounded in a cavalry charge outside Amiens, the last cavalry charge of the British army, April 12, 1918. It is a terrible thing to be in a cavalry charge when machine guns are levelled at you, firing five and six hundred rounds a minute. That was what we had to face on that fearful morning. I lay wounded on the battlefield; the blood was flowing freely; I believed I was dying. I was very conscious of my unfitness to appear before the judge of all the earth. Two things troubled me: I felt so impure, and I knew that I hadn’t led any soul to the Saviour. We had often sung on the farm: ‘Must I empty-handed go? Must I meet my Saviour so? Not one soul with which to greet Him? Must I empty-handed go? Could I but recall them now, Oh, the years of sin I've wasted! I would give them to my Saviour. To His will I'd gladly bow.’

But I was dying, I thought. And then, a miraculous thing happened. The Canadian horses were called out to a second charge. They charged over that bloody battlefield toward the enemy in a body. Men were dying; men were lying wounded; the whole field was littered with men and horses in distress. A horse's hoof struck me in the spine. The mark is still there, and I must have groaned. In the providence of God, that groan was heard by a Canadian trooper. After the charge, again in the providence of God, that trooper came right to the place where I lay and saw that I was bleeding profusely. He lifted me as gently as he could, placed me on the horse's back, dug the stirrup right into the horse’s side; and that steed galloped with fury toward the casualty clearing station. Would I be alive to reach the casualty clearing station? Would my soul be in eternity before my body was lifted from the horse? These were the thoughts that coursed through my mind. As I lay on that horse's back, I remembered a prayer that my father frequently offered at family worship. I prayed the prayer from my heart, ‘Oh, God, I'm dying. Will you make me as holy as a saved man can be?’ It was Robert Murray M’Cheyne's prayer. Instantly the power of God the Holy Ghost fell upon me on that horse's back, bringing cleansing and renewal until I felt as pure as an angel." "The consciousness of God was so real that he thought he was going straight to heaven. But God had other work for him to do, and this experience was preparation for it...The sequel to this divine visitation gave him his first taste of the supernatural work that can accompany the touch of the Holy Spirit upon His people. (Andrew Woolsey) "Some people say that there isn't such a thing as a definite experience of the Holy Ghost subsequent to conversion," said Campbell. "My conversion was real; my regeneration was wonderful; but it paled before the revelation of Jesus that came to me on that horse's back.

Then the horse stood at the casualty clearing station. Loving hands lifted me and laid me down on a stretcher. The place was crowded with wounded and dying, mostly Canadians. I was immediately aware of a sense of great power bearing me up. While being treated for my wounds, a nurse began to sing in Gaelic, ‘There is a fountain filled with blood’, and I responded by trying to sing in Gaelic, and what I sang was a psalm: ‘Oh, thou my soul, bless God the Lord; and all that in me is, be stirred up. His holy name, I will magnify and bless.’ Oh, I was weak. My voice wasn't strong. I began to talk about Jesus in Gaelic. There wasn't a man there who could understand me. To them it was a strange language, but a strange stillness and peace came upon the whole casualty station. One young lad said, ‘Trooper, can’t you speak to us in English? We are seeking Jesus.’ Men with little thought of God, moved by the Spirit of God, making His impact upon sinners. God swept in and within an hour, seven Canadian wounded soldiers were deeply convicted of their sin and trusted in Christ. That's why the baptism of the Holy Ghost in its final analysis is the revelation of Jesus. I know that when that baptism of the Holy Ghost came upon me on that horse's back, the supreme reality was Jesus. Oh, how wonderful it was! There in the casualty clearing station, wave after wave of divine realization swept through; sinners cried to God for mercy and sinners found the Saviour." "In his weakness," wrote Woolsey, "Duncan praised God for His wonderful goodness and felt an overwhelming desire to see His power displayed in such glorious acts of mercy…He realized then, that while our present surroundings…are the fields in which we fight the battles of faith, it is in the spiritual realm that we win. This is the secret of spiritual power. Consequently, a new thirst for God, a thirst for revival, a thirst to see repeated manifestations of God’s saving power, took hold of Duncan Campbell, as he left an earthly battlefield to devote himself to the spiritual war from which there is no discharge."

You can read the full testimony here

or listen to it here

Colin Murray

 2013/5/2 6:47Profile

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556


thank you both for posting ,,iv herd the testimony of cambel a few times now ,,this is the first time iv read it

 2013/5/2 7:17Profile


my beloved brother Emeka,

what a JOYOUS topic to ponder, AND what wonderful ministries that were given to these men by God.

its 0.745 here in upper Midwest of the US, and I have to drive a hundred miles in about 10 minutes!!....i'm laughing, because there is a lot on my heart I wish to share and ponder with you.

one quick thought is this, have you noticed, in days past, it was always missionaries from what is called the "west", that would go to the "heart of Africa"?...or to India?...China? etc.

this has been on my heart for ten years now, witnessing the Church in North America thru eyes of a Hebrew who follows Jesus....what if.....God sends missionaries FROM Africa to North America?....pray on that would you?

the second quick point I wish to share is this, have you read "Instrument of Revival" by Brynmore Jones?.....a wonderful book written about the ministry of Evan Roberts.

here it is on Amazon:

I meekly urge in the Leading of the Lord to acquire this book as soon as you can, it might serve to answer the question you ask. If said acquisition is difficult, please let me know, my beloved brother.

Where I live, is in many ways, akin to the Scottish Hebridean Islands, circa 1949, i'm near a town called Viroqua in the state of Wisconsin...many many church buildings...and many many souls, who would rather scream, shout for the local football team, all the while pouring beer down their throats...I judge them not. i'm only giving you dear one, I have to get in my vehicle NOW!!! (i'm laughing)

please. allow me to re-engage this conversation, in Jesus' love, neil

 2013/5/2 8:59

 Dear Brother Colin

the Lord is Amazing!....just yesterday....or mayhap the day before, I've been digging into the Psalter, and came to Psalm 103, which is the very Psalm that the young mortally wounded Duncan Campbell started to recite in Gaelic in that crowded casualty clearing, in love and grace, I re-listened to that dear man's testimony again on my was wonderful.

We endeavor to shape our own ministries both on Christ, and the human vessels He uses....Duncan is such a human vessel to me, so I really heart leapt when I read what you posted....both you and brother Emeka have brought me such JOY this morning in Jesus by this subject and focus and dialogue....and I bless God for the both of you, May the Love of Christ be upon you both today, neil

 2013/5/2 9:05

Joined: 2010/10/26
Posts: 157
University of Calabar Nigeria

 Thanks a bunch Dear Brother Neil !

Thank you those gracious words Sir! I'm also filled with delight each time I ponder on those men who shook the continents for our God.

Heaven would really be a heaven not just for its streets of gold, but for the privilege to walk, talk or sing side-by-side with such men as great as these.

Thanks for the book on Evan Roberts Sir. My love for that my "brother from another mother" is almost spiritual. As far as it lieth within me Sir, I never let his words fall to the ground. Each time I discuss him and the Welsh Revival to which he's strongly associated, I feel like taking off my shoes because it seems am treading on holy ground. A statement he made during a lecture to students at Bala college in which he said "the Spirit of Prayer cannot come unless there's is the readiness to work/evangelize," has almost become for me a mantra and a recipe for key-ing into the Spirit of Prayer who's the prelude to every Revival.

I've been to the link on Amazon Sir, but as usual they placed a price tag on the book. Am required to add "to my wish list" and provide Credit card details, pay for shipping etc. Please if you can find any link through which I can download a free pdf copy Sir, I would be grateful. I was lucky sometime ago to download a free pdf copy of D M Philip's book on Evan Roberts with my phone and it's remained one of my most treasured possessions.

QUOTE: "what if.....God sends missionaries FROM Africa to North America?....pray on that would you? " I sincerely would Sir. At d moment, I do not rule out d possibility that this Revival that would set the stage for the last Awakening could have its flashpoint in any of these third-world or less econolically privileged countries. Having worked on this for years, I've learnt not to rule out such a possibility.

God's richest blessings Sir!
Brother Emeka (still at d heart of tropical Africa)

Emeka Joe Uzosike

 2013/5/2 10:12Profile

Joined: 2010/10/26
Posts: 157
University of Calabar Nigeria

 Re: Brother Collin

QUOTE: "Oh, I was weak. My voice wasn't strong. I began to talk about Jesus in Gaelic. There wasn't a man there who could understand me. To them it was a strange language, but a strange stillness and peace came upon the whole casualty station. One young lad said, ‘Trooper, can’t you speak to us in English? We are seeking Jesus."

Thanks for the above quotation and the others you paistakingly posted Dear Brother Collin. I found them particularly helpful I tell you. They made me remember Bro Campbell's other account of the time of his spiritual crisis when he said his daughter told him "Daddy, whatever d cost,go (or get) thru it with God."

Emeka Joe Uzosike

 2013/5/3 5:20Profile

Joined: 2010/10/26
Posts: 157
University of Calabar Nigeria

 Re: Always good to see you Brother Gary!

Its always good to see you online Sir! I find your comments at other threads helpful and the weight they carry makes me feel they're inspired by a depth of spiritual experience and not just what somebody read in books.

You once came to my rescue when one of my threads degenerated into a session of heated argument. Couldn't find time to come back to thank you.

Have been away from SI forums for almost six months. Its always good to be back!

Emeka Joe Uzosike

 2013/5/3 5:30Profile

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