be careful...I neither said that N Korea was not to be taken seriously or that they would be able to launch a missile at us, they will be like a hook set into the jaw of a fish and used to draw the US into war...that much is assured, and a launch from them toward us will in the end be unsuccessful.(I did say they would fail, but that's not to say we would not be pulled into war with them) But the threat that they pose' will be only that which serves to distract us from our real threat. The US has a presence in S Korea and we will have major troops there again, most likely it'll be China that steps in(to try to bring peace) but only after things are pretty dire for N Korea.
Personally, anymore I have a hard time believing ANYTHING the six oclock news produces; it's all suspect in my book!DO consider this verse: Surely the Lord GOD does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets. Amos 3.7 This is what Im watching and listening for!! I believe in prophets and I believe they are here today, say what you will I still believe. (Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper. 2 Chron 20.20)But as the Body of Christ.... We definitely NEED to be praying for the 26 yr old spoiled tyrant that is running NK, only God can change the minds of men.God bless,Lisa
Dozman what is tthe more imminent threat to the U S you keep alluding to in your post?Bear.
I have a Christian friend who is South Korean born and raised. He says that North Korean threats are basically saber-rattling. Someone from North Korea posted a You Tube video a few weeks back with a shuttle dropping a nuke on the US. I asked my buddy about it and he just shrugged it off. Both North Korea and South Korea have ran plenty of campaigns to display a show of force to the other. We, the US that is, have, of course, helped the South Koreans in this for many years. I have been in South Korea for military training, and everyone I have ever heard on the subject said that North Korea would be very foolish to attack the US. Though it would be messy, they would definitely lose a war with the US. The only area I have heard they are strong is in surface to air technology. So in other words, if they started a war, they would shoot down a lot of enemy planes, but then lose every other aspect of the war, but inflict a good number of casualties in the process. It's highly doubtful they would attempt this, as it would cost the North Koreans much more than it would cost the US, and make them a lot of enemies that were once neutral.Regardless, God is in control...Psalm 2.
_________________Hal Bachman
Much of the things I receive take a good many years for me to understand, like I saw the statue of liberty face down...just that segment of a longer dream took me almost 12 years until I had understanding on what it meant.That said, I woke after a dream sometime ago with the knowledge that Iran had purchased ICBM's from Russia and that they were fitting them for submarines and developing nuke warhead for those ICBM's..This happened before Iran started it Nuclear enrichment program by several years. I understood that the zones or places they would strike were DC in the US and several other places along the coast as well as Australia (but for the life of me I don't understand why Australia).Anyway, what has been a puzzle to me is why would God allow a country like N. Korea to fail and Iran to succeed. All that said, I really hope that what I saw/what I understood/ does not come to pass and I am found to be false...chalk it up to pizza:) ...because if what I saw comes to pass, the very thought of it causes great emotional distress just in the knowing and when I think and pray on those things, I suffer both physically as well as emotionally.