EASTER FRUIT IN IRANVOM_MediaDev ; April 1, 2013Many readers will be familiar with the animated film, JESUS: He Lived Among Us which VOM produced as an evangelism tool for our partners and coworkers in restricted and hostile nations. The film was produced originally in English, and has since been translated into multiple other languages, with the first priority being languages spoken in restricted and hostile nations.The film was created as a tool, not as a profit-maker for VOM. In fact, VOM makes to film available for free to anyone who will distribute it freely; all that is required is signing a simple, one-page licensing agreement.One of our satellite broadcast partners for Iran showed the film, in Farsi, over Easter weekend. Our staff member who oversees work in Iran sent in the following:[Name withheld] with Mohabat TV just called to say that seven family members in Iran just prayed to receive Christ after watching the Farsi JHLAU on their Farsi satellite TV channel.This Easter weekend, Mohabat TV is airing the VOM Farsi JESUS He Lived Among us several times. Afterwards they will email me a report sharing testimonies, number of callers, etc.Praise the Lord for this great response! We are thankful to partners like Mohabat TV which are broadcasting the film, and also to those that have helped with translating the film into different languages, including Sat-7, which translated the film into both Farsi and Arabic.Easter weekend also marked the broadcast premier of the Russian-language version of the film; which was translated by CNL-TV. Their satellite signal covers many restricted and hostile nations that are part of the former Soviet Union.Pray with us that God will take this tool that He has enabled VOM to create and use it to bring many more into His Kingdom around the world.original VOM article is at http://www.persecutionblog.com/2013/04/easter-fruit-in-iran.html