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 Prayer Call for N. Korea Tonight

Brothers and sisters as we ponder the rhetoric coming out of N. Korea we realize we are dealing with an evil regime. It has been rightly observed that believers who live in N. Korea will show us what living in the days of antichrist will be like.

The leader of N. Korea is Kim Jung Un. His father and grandfather were considered gods and worshipped as such. Failure to worship the current leader or his father and grandfather is punishable by death or imprisonment which is a slower death.

N. Korea maintains a system of prison camps which remind us of the death camps of Germany during WWII. Indeed one sentenced to these camps very seldom survive.

While despising S.Korea, the U S, and the CIA, the Christians of N. Korea are hated the most. The crime of owning a Bible or having scripture portions in one's possession can land 3 generations of one's family in prison.

Saints we are dealing with an evil demonic system. One ruled by Satan. This system will not be defeated by nuclear weapons but only through the cross of Jesus Christ.

If one is really concerned about seeing the evil neutralized in N. Korea. Then please join our call tonight.

Call is 8pm CST. The number is 209.255.1000. Access code is 109083#.

Remember the weapons of our warfare are not of tbis world. Our powerful wepon of prayer can bring down demonic strongholds and bring forth the gospel into N. Korea.

Blaine Scogin

 2013/3/30 16:17

Joined: 2011/4/27
Posts: 177

 Re: Prayer Call for N. Korea Tonight

Link to photos from North Korea from April 2012 with many or all taken during a week-long celebration of the birth of the nation's founder, Kim Il Sung:

Pyongyang, the capital city of North Korea, has a population of 3.2 million.

 2013/3/30 19:37Profile

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