In the latest of of proposed threats by Korea... korea has now made a video of new york burning in flames as a result of strategic attacks to be launched on America. (it should be noted the video was diberately shown to koreas Own public & citizens ) And Although its all talk at this juncture ...and no action thus far:We should not take these threats lightly:Things do take on a more serious nature when its the president of north Korea himself that is behind the threats and video footage:Furthermore he has gone on record as saying and i qoute " its time to settle accounts with these American imperialists" (unquote)American has subsequently beefed up ...its missile interception manaouvers ...taking these threats somewhat ...seriously:And i Don't think president obama is complacent either ...nor should he.Its not a time to be COMPLACENT (but neither a time to over-react) yet:But however As i said in another posting... Korea is a loose cannon:And whilst they might Not have nuclear capabilities,, they still have enough military might to do some major serious damage:Yes the plot does thicken:And yes we continue to watch this space:
_________________Bro Stephen
The gravity and seriousness of the situation is such Now that ...Its now dominating and heading up ...most major bulletins:Around the Globe.Mmm.