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 "Christians can only " thump the Bible" as a response to gay marriage

Hi saints,

I believe that the Lord is continuing to unveil all those who claim to speak for Christianity. This is a man whom millions of Christians listen to every day...............

"Bill O'Reilly said Tuesday that the opponents of same-sex marriage have been unable to do anything but "thump the Bible" in their arguments.

Speaking to Megyn Kelly about the Supreme Court's hearing on Proposition 8, O'Reilly--who has previously compared gay marriage to bestiality--appeared to have "evolved" on the subject. He said he didn't "feel that strongly" about gay marriage "one way or another" and thought the decision should be left to individual states. "I want all Americans to be happy," he said, adding, "I live in New York. New York is fine with it."

Kelly said pro-marriage equality forces had made very compelling arguments that opponents had been hard-pressed to tackle.

I agree with you 100 percent. The compelling argument is on the side of homosexuals," O'Reilly said. "That is where the compelling argument is. We're Americans, we just want to be treated like everybody else. That's a compelling argument, and to deny that you've got to have a very strong argument on the other side. And the other side hasn't been able to do anything but thump the Bible." This, he added, was not a basis on which to enact public policy." full story and video...........

 2013/3/29 5:35

Joined: 2011/4/27
Posts: 177

 Re: "Christians can only " thump the Bible" as a response to gay marri

Christians can watch and pray.

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual and mighty through God for the pulling down of men's imaginations and vanities and thoughts and deeds of rebellion against God and conscience.

Moses spent forty days in prayer and fasting and communion with God.

Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness with God and fighting the temptations of the devil.

At least once, Jesus gave an entire night to prayer. (Luke 6:12)

The Apostle Paul was "in watchings often" (2 Corinthians 11:27)

South Korean Christians are known for large and extended prayer times.

We English-speaking Christians can pray long and hard also in secret and in gatherings.

The church in the Book of Acts prayed for the power of the Holy Spirit and it came.

The church in the Book of Acts prayed for the release of Peter from prison and Peter was released.

As cares increase (and there are many cares), prayers increase. Watch for new cares and make new prayers. Watch and pray.

 2013/3/29 9:14Profile

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


Prayer and continuing to stand on the WORD of GOD. I will pray for HIS will to be done and I will stand and share the Gospel of JESUS with those HE gives me leading to.

As for debating or arguing, GOD has already weighed in on the subject. HE gives HIS thoughts clearly on the matter of sexual sin and homosexuality. Is there really anything more to be said? GOD set the standard, and we can choose to live by it or not but we can't change it!

From the beginning GOD set the standard for marriage, it is between a man and always has been and always will be no matter what man chooses to recognizes. GOD never will recognizes as acceptable mans sin. As HIS follower I will pray for those lost in this sin and all sin but I won't compromise just to make someone feel good. Eternity is a long time to suffer for a few feel good moments here and now...

Man will do what he will do and go the way of the world but as I stand firm on the rock of CHRIST JESUS I will pray, and share HIS truth to all HE gives leading. No compromise, no looking the other way, loving the lost and speaking the truth with them is what we are called to do. Sin is sin regardless of the label you give it and all sin leads to death, and eternal separation from GOD so all sin must be dealt with in CHRIST. There just simply is no other way. To truly love another is to tell them the truth, to share JESUS with them no matter what it might cost us and not to compromise.

Since GOD is in control I think the BIBLE is a way better place to find the answers to this question then public opinion or a group of men and women whose fate is also in HIS hands :)

God bless

 2013/3/29 9:34Profile


Sis MJ writes.........

"Man will do what he will do and go the way of the world but as I stand firm on the rock of CHRIST JESUS I will pray, and share HIS truth to all HE gives leading. No compromise, no looking the other way, loving the lost and speaking the truth with them is what we are called to do. Sin is sin regardless of the label you give it and all sin leads to death, and eternal separation from GOD so all sin must be dealt with in CHRIST. There just simply is no other way. To truly love another is to tell them the truth, to share JESUS with them no matter what it might cost us and not to compromise."

Amen sister,amen...........bro Frank

 2013/3/29 10:20

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


Our "bible thumping," as O'Reilly puts it, really isn't working. The tide has shifted and there seems to be little doubt that gays will evenutally be allowed to marry in every state.

This raises a question, I suppose. Of course, we all here understand and know what the Bible says about homosexuality. However, our knowing this does not change the fact that there are homosexuals. There always have been and always will be, while the Lord tarries. Is it therefore better for a gay peron to be in a committed monogomous relationship with one person, or not? Of course we would like to say that they should not be gay at all, but that won't work. Gays are already living together, regardless what the law is, and they will continue to do so, regardless of what the law is.

So I am not exactly clear on how things will change if they can be legally married to each other, vs. just living together. And please, I know that the Bible says marriage is between a man and a woman. Unfortunately the SC will not be conculting the Bible on this issue.


 2013/3/29 13:07Profile


HI TMK. The reason this is of vital importance to Christians is because it gives us a measure of the times in which we live. When gay marriage is legalized, then our own position will not be acceptable to the general public at large and to most institutions. Which of course, like MJ stated is fine, we shall continue to speak the truth in love. It is just one indicator that persecution of genuine saints is knocking at the door and the isolation and separation of God's remnant children is well under way.

This is a mere opening salvo, a part of the birth pangs that seem to have begun. We, as Christians , cannot go along with the logic that homosexuality exists, therefore since that is a reality then they should be married and live monogomously, that would be to build one error on top of another. If a hetro-sexual couple were living together outside of marriage and were fighting all the time, our advice to them would not be to live at peace with one another, since so many people already do it anyway, our advice to them, based on the word of God would be to stop living together. Error begets error. Truth divides what is false from what is true................bro Frank

 2013/3/29 13:30

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


"So I am not exactly clear on how things will change if they can be legally married to each other, vs. just living together."

I am not certain except the homo/lesbian lobby is extremely well organized and powerful. As such they weld lots of power. In doing so they may criminalize any opposition to their philosophy, e.g., preaching against it. You have all kinds of other sins that preachers stand against but there is no organized opposition against anyone one to speak against it.

Then you will have social workers who will be instructed to place foster children in these homes - if they apply. This could put social workers in a quandary if they possess any principles.

Whatever will be legal I see a complete disruption of society - its fabric will be torn and there will be nothing left to sustain it. Seems to me the best thing God can do - if he tarries - is to bring serious calamities upon this land.

Unfortunately, too many 'churches' are caving in to this perversion. Those that will not will be the minority that will earn us mockery, persecution from others - and I suspect it will be most severe coming from religious peoples.

On the legal end I am sometimes left wondering how a Christian will be able to operate a business given all the rules the gov imposes upon us. As a rule a small business flies under their radar, are left alone unless you want to sell raw cow milk. :-(


Sandra Miller

 2013/3/29 14:39Profile

Joined: 2011/12/7
Posts: 73
Los Angeles


Its unfortunate but in reality traditional marriage indeed has a weaker legal argument.


 2013/3/29 14:57Profile

 Re: "Christians can only " thump the Bible" as a response to gay marri

'thump the Bible".

wasnt it not that long ago, that Messrs Reilly was cuddling up to the "other side"?

and wasnt it not too along ago, the other side was led by none other than Ted Haggard?...head of the "National Association of (or was it "for) Evangelicals"?

and then the world was treated to quite a spectacle when Messrs Haggard was revealed as....?

the enemy is cunning...indeed. FLEE BABYLON!!

 2013/3/29 14:59

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


Hi Frank and Ginny--

I agree that this will increase persecution- particularly for pastors who preach against it from the pulpit.

I think perhaps the bigger question is how it will affect us personally. I generally don't go around now preaching against homosexuality as a specific focus. I do lead a Bible study and I suppose it could be an issue if the topic comes up.

For example, if a married gay couple moves in next door, what should we do? Picket their house, or bake them a pie?

I realize this is a difficult issue and I certainly agree it is a symptom of a society in tight downward spiral.


 2013/3/29 15:05Profile

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