The following article was shared with me by another and I found myself agreeing with some of the points shared by this writer. I have not read any of this persons other news stories but did feel there was some things worth sharing in this one. I have found there to be a very compromising attitude among many younger christens on the topic of gay marriage and am really surprised by it. Perhaps I shouldn't be after all the enemy prowls around going to and fro looking for any opportunity to deceive those who seek to follow the LORD. The article I felt was worth the read, it is a good reminder that GOD does set a standard and that if we truly want to follow HIM we will be hated for it.
God bless maryjane
____________________________ By: Erick Erickson
No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
Matthew 6:24
1,980 years ago tomorrow, the world put God on trial. When offered a choice, the world surrendered up God to be tortured, crucified, and killed and asked that Pontius Pilate free the criminal Barabbas instead.
There is no compromise between Christ and the world. Young evangelicals, complacent in the United States and unharassed, would do wise to remember this.
Tim Keller, a noted preacher in my denomination (Presbyterian Church in America), made news yesterday when he talked about evangelicals coming to terms with gay marriage. In particular he said that you can believe homosexuality is a sin and still believe that same-sex marriage should be legal.
Keller is an accurate indicator of where things are headed within evangelicalism, particularly among younger evangelicals.
Christians in America have gotten soft. Weve turned the nation into an idol to be worshiped. Weve become so convinced by the shining city on a hill rhetoric we think It cant happen here, regarding persecution of Christians. Joe Carter has a great read on this.
Joe is right. Weve turned the American ideal of liberty into an idol we worship. The religious liberty in the first amendment is meant to protect the religious as they seek to draw people to them. But the world demands instead that the first amendment be used to draw the religious to the world and silence those who refuse to go along for the ride. In making an idol of our democratic freedom, the irony is that many evangelicals in America are abdicating the use of it.
What Christians in the United States of America, whove had it pretty easy for a long time in the USA, have forgotten or never learned is that the world is deeply hostile to the things, and people, of God. Remember, one thousand nine hundred eighty years ago tomorrow, the world chose to spare a criminal and crucify God himself.
Many young evangelicals who are making the decision that gay marriage conflicts with their personal beliefs, but itll be okay under the law, are making a compromise to avoid conflict and be liked by the world. Im not one of those Christians, they think and often say.
They want to be liked. They want the world to like them and to think them a part of the world. They view Christians who are seen as too hostile to others as inferior in spreading the Gospel or too judgmental. They fall victim to the sin of pride that their gospel is greater.
Theyll nod approvingly to the lyrics of Casting Crowns Jesus, Friend of Sinners saying, Nobody knows what were for only what were against when we judge the wounded. What if we put down our signs crossed over the lines and loved like You did.
Unfortunately for them, theyll be hated anyway, even if they dont realize it.
The Casting Crowns song, which is all over Christian stations this month, contains this lyric: The world is on their way to You, but theyre tripping over me.
Christ was very clear on this.
If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.
The world is not on its way to Christ. The world hates Christ. The world will not allow a compromise between Christians and the world.
Evangelicals have a tough time on the issue of gay rights. If we hold to our convictions, were accused of hating gays. If we point out that sex outside of marriage is a sin, including among people of the same sex, were accused of saying theyre going to hell.
Christians are called to love their neighbors. Loving their neighbors does not mean turning a blind eye to their sin, or giving tacit approval to sin. Christians should want no one to go to hell. But weve arrived at a point where should we even mention this, were accused of saying gays are going to hell.
We must live our lives with love toward everyone and be friends to all who are opening to being friends. But we should not delude ourselves. At some point the world will make us choose. And if we choose Christ the world will accuse us of hating, condemning, and judging. The world is deeply hostile to the Christian idea of loving the sinner, but not the sin. The world believes we cannot love the sinner if we do not fully affirm them, which means loving, or at least tolerating or accepting, their sin.
If we truly love our neighbor we must pray for their repentance, not accept their sin. If they tell us God made them that way, we must know that we were all born sinners. God didnt do it. Our fallen nature did. The struggle with sin in the process of sanctification leads us closer to God. Those who revel in sin do not draw close.
The chorus of the Casting Crowns song includes the line, Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks Yours. Christ heart breaks for all the fallen. Many Christians though are not believed when they confess their hearts break toward those who do not even recognize their sin.
Christians are accused of judging and casting stones, as the lyrics of that song claim, when all they are doing is not shying away from the fact that God sets standards. He may say to cast no stones, but he concludes with go and sin no more. Young evangelicals have bought into the notion that by proclaiming the standards of the Bible they are judging. They seek accommodation and given tacit approval to sin lest they be accused of judging or casting stones.
There is no accommodation on this issue with the world. Young evangelicals, Tim Keller, and the rest are deluded if they think they can seek a compromise with the world.
Mammon chose Barabbas and too many young evangelicals are choosing Mammon. |