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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Brother Edgar Reich on Persrcution Watch Call Tonight

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 Brother Edgar Reich on Persrcution Watch Call Tonight

Brother Edgar will be sharing on the N. Korean underground church tonight on The Persecution Watch.

Our brother has been working with Greg Gordon and other brothers on the soon to be released book regarding Gospel Fellowships. What our brother will be sharing will come from the research he has done.

All are invited to come and hear our brother share and pray for the church in N. Korea.

The time of the call us 8pm CST. Those in other time zones please adjust your call in times to correspond to the central call in time. U S callers please call in on 209.255.1000. Canadian callers please call in on 559.670.1000. Access code for both numbers is 109083#.

Blaine Scogin
Persecution Watch

 2013/3/28 11:15

Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK

 Re: Brother Edgar Reich on Persrcution Watch Call Tonight

Whats the number if you want to phone from Europe?

Colin Murray

 2013/3/28 14:02Profile


Collin you can try this number 44.0.7848.432913. If that one does not work then dial the US number 209.255.1000. I do not know the int. code for the US number that should precede it. Whichever number you use enter access code 109083#.

I am not sure what the time difference will be in Scotland. So do adjust to the central call in time over here.


 2013/3/28 15:22


The time difference is 5 hours ahead of central time. Typically it is six hours but Britain's has not put their clock forward yet.............bro Frank

 2013/3/28 17:14


Brother Edgar sharing on N.Korean church in about 10 minutes. Call info at beginning of thread.


 2013/3/28 20:49

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


We have added brother Edgars sharing saints can download here:

The Great Suffering Of North Korean Christians by Edgar Reich

Topic: North Korea
Description: Brother Edgar shares a sobering word on the plight and sufferings of precious brothers and sisters in the Lord in North Korea. He shares many testimonies and stories of these believers as well as religious system of Juche over the people which worships the leader of the country as a god.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2013/3/31 20:19Profile

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