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Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


a-servant wrote:

KJB wicked…..His ways are always GRIEVOUS
NIV wicked…..His ways are always prosperous
NKJV wicked…..His ways are always prospering
ESV wicked…..His ways prosper at all times
HCSB wicked…..His ways are always secure

Obviously the KJV got it wrong here. Why is that so hard to accept? The psalmist here is lamenting the pride of the wicked and asking that the Lord intervene. He does not understand why the Lord allows them to prosper. In the context of the passage it is clear that "grievous" is the wrong translation. If the wicked's ways were grievous, then the psalmist would not be complaining.

There are other places where KJV clearly got it wrong. There are other places in the Bible that say that the wicked prosper despite their wickedness, so why should this translation be surprising?


 2013/3/28 7:52Profile

 A-Servant.....a question, not a comment.

brother, you wrote this (partial quote)

Ah it's Bible Babel time again and why we must tolerate all renderings as God's truth,

Ok, then let's rather find harmony in opposing views than being divisive, which "version of truth" should I believe?

alright, then you concluded with:

....good starter to grasp why the NIV and the Vatican have more things in common than I previously thought:

Undeniable Proof the ESV, NIV, NASB are the new "Vatican Versions"

Isn't it wonderful they all agree with each other by actual contract?

beloved, let me set the backdrop for my question, its about 0630 CST, 29 March. i woke at 0400, and as God the Holy Ghost usually leads me, after talking, petitioning, praising and adoring God, about 0420, i "went into"...or you could say "ate" of the Word of God, i was in Luke 8 to Luke maybe 18 or 19. What God the Holy Spirit has me searching for, pondering are the Basis' of prayer, and the Basis' of praise.

He's placed a Work on my heart, God willing, i'll probably go to the end of Acts, because i have already went thru the New Testament just prior, but i was lead to go thru the Gospel and Acts of the Apostles once again in my "digging out" of these "basis'"....because the first go around, i had given short shrift to the "basis of praise" in the Gospel and Acts...THEN, as He leads, i'm desirous in Jesus, to go into the Tehillim, which we call the Psalter....Tehillim is Hebrew for "Prayers"...the Psalms. i'm not "flashing", its just that 6 years of Hebrew as a child leaves its Imprint, Glory to His Name!! Its Wonderful to be a "fool" for Messiah, isnt it? amen?

okay, the Bible i just "came out of" is an ESV, and i know that i know, i am filled with God the Holy Spirit, because everytime i open that Precious Word, i humbly ask the Father, "please fill me with your Holy Spirit, so that i dont merely "read" This Word, with my human eyes".

and God gives, to those who ask, seek, knock.That i have NO doubt of, and God the Holy Ghost has not spoke ONE Word of reprimand to me about this ESV Bible, nor the Blessed Work He has given me, so here's the question:

Who/whom do i obey? and the folks at "brandplucked dot com".....or God the Holy Spirit?

its a very simple question, but i beg you, be very careful how and what you answer, if you do indeed answer that simple question.

May God bless you and your kin abundantly with His Mercy, Grace, Love in Jesus Messiah, is my prayer, amen,. neil

and dear one, as an afterword, God showed me a day, when this babylon we live in, will "forbid" the private ownership of Bibles, therefore He led me to buy a case of 24 hardcover ESV Bibles, i have maybe 19 left as He has directed me who to mail them to....its always at the request of those who seek God.....and an amazing wonderful Thing just happened...i KNOW i must get another case of Bibles...and then another, (always hardcover, in those days, conditions will be rough, so must the cover be!)...and during the typing/testifying of this post,. i had to take a bathroom break..(sorry, dont mean to be "graphic") but as i walking to the bathroom, He put it in my heart, "Next case, why dont you make it a KJV case" wasnt a more, because immediately, The Spirit brought remembrance to Paul's forthtelling in the "I am all things to all men" Portion of know what i'm referencing, right?......and at that moment i praised God! because being led to ask you, "A-servant", my simple question, God the Holy Spirit led me to this conclusion for the second case, as i should have THREE cases. Glory to God!!! my son, 17, well saved and God fearing,knows of the case of Bibles and what God revealed to me, because i dont know the day when such will come, and i might be with Lord, and my boy will be left to carry on. May God bless that dear lad, how i love more little testimony?.....just to show you, how i mean no contention, but love and reason in Christ....when i first came to Messiah, this was in mid 2002, my son and i were in sanctuary, Sunday services, lisrening to pastor Ted, my brother, whom i call Ted, or Teddy privately now, he was preaching and teaching on the Cross, and the Love of God...and i was directed from above, to look at my boys wrist, and i saw this thin seven year olds wrist against a board, and a railroad spike being driven into it, and saw his face SCREAMING with pain and agony....even now, as i type this, its almost more than i can bear. It was at THAT Moment, i knew the Love of God the Father, and truly apprehended the Risen Messiah in a new and much deeper Way.

now if you please, beloved, answer my simple question.

 2013/3/28 8:20

Joined: 2005/3/31
Posts: 419
Son Of Thunder i come from a land down under, due south at the bottom of your work globes


As cynical as it sounds ...The bible is still the worlds No1 best selling book. There are dollars to be made. Not that that is necessarily the reason for mass huge production ...and newer versions ..being constantly introduced into the market (now to think that would be cynical) So The NIV finally out trumps the KJV in sales
(you kjv only people oughta watch out now ) the NIV is on a roll ...a runaway train - and unstoppable (is that irony sarcasm that is maginally allowable)

KJV people only should finally relent and fall on there sword:

Its all over ...finished!

outgrossed in sales (time to get with the program you kjv only folks)

This is a sign ...of the times ( i reckon)

KJV Bible ...your days are numbered:

Sales = truth = bigger is always better

The gauge of all correctness: Indeed.

So when did sales revenue or copies sold ever become the barometer or bastian of truth upon which we determine which is the right way?

(and therefore walk ye in it)??

Bro Stephen

 2013/3/28 9:07Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


The problem is that KJV only-ists cannot admit they are wrong.

A Bible teacher I really admire teaches from KJV and he does think it is a superior translation but even he will admit when the KJV misses it.


 2013/3/28 10:48Profile

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936


HezWellings wrote ////Who/whom do i obey? and the folks at "brandplucked dot com".....or God the Holy Spirit?
its a very simple question, but i beg you, be very careful how and what you answer, if you do indeed answer that simple question.
May God bless you and your kin abundantly with His Mercy, Grace, Love in Jesus Messiah, is my prayer, amen,. neil////

I myself do not know what brandplucked dot com is. and I do not care.
Their are several pro KJB peoples whom do more damage and do very little other than invite mockery on us whom believe that God in His Sovereignty has the ability and the power and indeed has inspired the very Jot and tittle that He wiches for our generation to have.
( the extreme minute details of the scripture, surely where not included just for the original autographs.)

Just because some give a belief a bad wrap, this does not in anyway nullify it's truth.
For instance, just because kent hovind believes in Christian Creationism and speaks boldly out about it and has in many ways brought mockery upon the creationist, this does not nollify the facts of Creationism.
and I could go on with many like examples

HezWellings wrote /// okay, the Bible i just "came out of" is an ESV, and i know that i know, i am filled with God the Holy Spirit, because everytime i open that Precious Word, i humbly ask the Father, "please fill me with your Holy Spirit, so that i dont merely "read" This Word, with my human eyes".///

I have read several statements by ESV translators and affiliates such as Dr.Wayne Grudem whom are very opposed to the methods and the lack of accuracy of the NIV.
John Piper said that he 'would be happy to see the NIV sail into the sunset... '

HezWellings wrote RE: ///"please fill me with your Holy Spirit, so that i dont merely "read" This Word, with my human eyes".///

HezWellings wrote RE: ////Who/whom do i obey? and the folks at "brandplucked dot com".....or God the Holy Spirit?
its a very simple question, but i beg you, be very careful how and what you answer, if you do indeed answer that simple question.////

What do you hear or feel when you get to Matthew 17:21 ?
or acts 8:37 ?

 2013/3/28 10:49Profile


PP I like that parayer. Lord, please fill me with your Spirit so that I do not read your word with merely human eyes. Very lovely. One I will pray.

The Bear.

 2013/3/28 10:58


In the not to distant future when the remnant is meeting underground and all translations of the Bible are declared politically incorrect and illegal. I think we will welcome any encouragement from the scriptures irregardless of the translation.

Somehow I do not see the KJV vs NIV conversations as having any meaning under persecution.

My thoughts.


 2013/3/28 11:03

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936



TMK wrote ///The problem is that KJV only-ists cannot admit they are wrong.
A Bible teacher I really admire teaches from KJV and he does think it is a superior translation but even he will admit when the KJV misses it.///

I am not a Christian because I have intellectually been convinced that Christianity is supiour to all the other religions of the world.
I am a Christian because of the inward certainty within me.
likewise I am not a Bible beliver because of the rational arguments that are presented in the positions defence.
I am a Bible believer because of the inward certainty within me.

 2013/3/28 11:07Profile

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936


bear wrote //PP I like that parayer. Lord, please fill me with your Spirit so that I do not read your word with merely human eyes. Very lovely. One I will pray.

The Bear.//

That was HezWellings prayer, I was just responding to him, But agreed that is a very lovely prayer to pray before studing the Bible.

 2013/3/28 11:14Profile

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936


bearmaster wrote ////In the not to distant future when the remnant is meeting underground and all translations of the Bible are declared politically incorrect and illegal. I think we will welcome any encouragement from the scriptures irregardless of the translation.
Somehow I do not see the KJV vs NIV conversations as having any meaning under persecution.
My thoughts.

With more than 450 million copies of the NIV alone in print. and reliezing that the Bible business is a 400-600 million dollar business and with elitist like Rupert Murdoch whom have so much to continue to financially gain from the business. I personaly doubt that we will see the Bible being outlawed in any near time future.

More likely we are going to see the direction that the translations and the Church are already on, to start to move more and more rapidly.
And that is further away from the specifics of the scripture and more and more into generalizations, in which all of the various christian religions will melt together.

 2013/3/28 11:37Profile

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