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I have used the NIV83 translation for the last several years and been richly blessed by it. No doubt the new 2011 NIV will be a blessing. What is disheartening is when a group of translators decide a new translation is needed and one is foised on us. Particularly when the issue is money.

Why pull the 83 translation?. Sakes?. Hmmm. Me thinks Bibke society hear um money speakee. Could it be Biblia, formally International Bible Society, was disturbed over the poukarity of the NLT. When I hear about sales makes me want to go out and buy an English Standard Version. Or maybe KJV.

My thoughts.


 2013/3/27 13:44

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650

 Re: NIV More Popular Than KJV, NLT Bibles; 11 Million Copies Sold Worldwide


"Standout among the list, however, is the NIV, which has more than 450 million copies in print."

That is awesome and a reason to celebrate, regardless whether it is NIV, KJV, NLT, ESv etc etc.

I would even take "The Message" over no Bible at all, if that was the choice.


 2013/3/27 15:59Profile


Amen TMK. Better to have people buying the Bible than not buying it. It has always been said the Bible is the best seller on any book list.


 2013/3/27 16:14

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!


If we don’t speak a foreign language then we don’t know how, say the Chinese Bible is written but we definitely know it’s not King James! How are these foreigners even becoming Christian if they aren't reading the KJV? How do we know if they are even being led of the Lord if it’s not KJV? I’m so worried how God can even speak to people if they are using the “correct” version.


 2013/3/27 22:01Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: NIV More Popular Than KJV, NLT Bibles; 11 Million Copies Sold Worldwide

That previous post was sarcasm and it was done good naturedly. (is that a word?!!) I'm sorry brothers and sisters but I could not resist.

"God is God and God don't never change." (Old song?)

God bless,


 2013/3/27 22:04Profile

Joined: 2008/5/3
Posts: 435


Ah it's Bible Babel time again and why we must tolerate all renderings as God's truth,

Ok, then let's rather find harmony in opposing views than being divisive, which "version of truth" should I believe?

Psalm 10:4, 5

KJB wicked…..His ways are always GRIEVOUS

NIV wicked…..His ways are always prosperous

NKJV wicked…..His ways are always prospering

ESV wicked…..His ways prosper at all times

HCSB wicked…..His ways are always secure

Ecclesiastes 8:10

KJB wicked…..were FORGOTTEN

NIV wicked…..receive praise

ESV wicked…..were praised

The actual real advise on this is this:

2 Timothy 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Even if only one of thousand Bible students actually does that, it helps to read a few of the true scholars and not follow forum gossip that is not even able to come to the insight that 2 opposing statements as above are not ready to be harmonized under the umbrella of tolerance.

I took some time to read some of these articles because I prefer to read facts based study material instead of small talk:

....good starter to grasp why the NIV and the Vatican have more things in common than I previously thought:

Undeniable Proof the ESV, NIV, NASB are the new "Vatican Versions"

Isn't it wonderful they all agree with each other by actual contract?

 2013/3/28 0:22Profile


A-servant there are many people in tbis forum who use different translations including the forum administrator. Those of us who use the NIV or NASB will continue to use them and post scriptures from them.

I am courious why you hang around? Would you and those who hold to the KJV only position be happier on a KJV only forum.

Just couriius.


 2013/3/28 0:59

 Re: To The KJV Onky Folks

Just courious. Those of us who use other translations allow you the the liberty to use your KJV. Yet you will not allow us the same liberty. Just wondering why?


 2013/3/28 1:00

Joined: 2012/5/13
Posts: 2936


Bear wrote ///A-servant there are many people in tbis forum who use different translations including the forum administrator. Those of us who use the NIV or NASB will continue to use them and post scriptures from them.
I am courious why you hang around? Would you and those who hold to the KJV only position be happier on a KJV only forum.
Just couriius.

Hi bear, I relieze that many on these forums have differing views concerning the inerrancy of scripture but we must remember that many of the Spirit filled preachers presented on SI also hold very strong beliefs on this topic.

Those preachers that hold similar perspectives as my own on this topic as well as other topics are what has brought me to this sight,
I was hoping to find like minded brethren to fellowship with, and on certain subjects and with certain brethren including yourself I have.

But I have also been amazed and saddened by many of the beliefs and thoughts on several subjects that are held by many including the moderators on this forum.
but at the sametime, I have been amazed and encouraged on many other subjects and have found like mindedness with many including yourself and the moderators of SI

bear wrote RE: /// Would you and those who hold to the KJV only position be happier on a KJV only forum.///

A KJV revivle forum would a be a nice Idea, except I am afraid that it would soon be flooded with hard core fundamentalist, whom no more believe what they are reading than the next person and probably believe it less than many.
I would love to fellowship with those whom would believe the Bible to the degree that they would throw out their commentary, throw out their preconcieved doctrines and traditions and just rely on the scripture and the unction. But I do not know where such a fellowship exist.

On several other topics, many including yourself, and others on these forums have came to many Similar conclusions as myself and have helped to enlightened me on several topics.
and with the excelant work of the moderators which keep me safe from attack and also keeps me accountable, this is some of the reasons why I enjoy the fellowship of this forum

bear wrote RE:///Just courious. Those of us who use other translations allow you the the liberty to use your KJV. Yet you will not allow us the same liberty. Just wondering why?///

No one is taking your liberty away, no one is pushing for legislation to take you choice of translations away.

This is a disscussion forum, It makes since to disscuss issues that pertain to the church today and to discuss issues that are held by various preachers whom are represented on this websight.

I have a conviction concerning this subject as does others including many of the Spirit filled preachers on this sight, It makes since that when this subject or other subjects that we hold strong convictions about, come up, that we in a calm and edifying way express reasons for the faith that we have.

 2013/3/28 2:19Profile

Joined: 2008/5/3
Posts: 435


The Bear, did you ever consider to address the objections instead of the person?

This is about truth, not about what people do. Facts and details. Object based, not sentimental murmurs.

 2013/3/28 5:13Profile

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