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Joined: 2005/2/8
Posts: 112


You know, from my study in world history....the people of this world ALWAYS willingly give up their rights after major catastrophes....they want the problems fixed.

What if everything crashes, and they implement this "mark" in order to get everybody rolling again? It would be a really quick way to force it. That's not a theological idea, just a thought...

 2005/3/12 7:49Profile

Joined: 2003/5/24
Posts: 138
Chicago IL USA



You know very well that the World will hate all those who GOD Loves.

You Know that those who are Spirit Filled Bible believing, JESUS searching, JESUS LOVING Christians will be persecuted.

I say to you Rejoice that the LORD has chosen you to suffer and be confident in the Faith that Our LORD has given you.

The greatness of our responsibility in these last days...

Lord JESUS help me understand it.

In Christ Michael


 2005/3/12 8:00Profile

Joined: 2004/3/24
Posts: 1374

 Re: Has Our Lord Been Speaking to Anyone Else on SI about $$$? ...

Bomar you wrote;
"For a couple of weeks or so, I've felt the Holy Spirit saying "Sell everything you have".

i believe that if Holy Spirit is actually saying that to you then He would also tell you what to do with the proceeds ... Has He? ...

i know that when He kept whispering in my spirit to give up my nest egg He told me exactly why, because it was easy enough for me to believe Him to making me a conduit of provision for others in what's ahead, but did i trust Him in that self same direction towards me, for that's why i had my nest egg in the first place ... So when He kept impressed upon my spirit to prove it so, He also told me exactly what to do, and that was to just simply drop the check into the plate of the church that i attend ... i can't tell you that i didn't falter on it at first, but the more i thought about it it was easy for me to put my "mouth" where my faith was, but not so easy to put my "savings" there ... Of course i eventually did what i believed i heard Him say, because i've done all else that i believe i've heard Him say these past 20 years, so to my logic this was no time to stop now ...

 2005/3/12 12:44Profile

Joined: 2004/3/24
Posts: 1374

 Re: Has Our Lord Been Speaking to Anyone Else on SI about $$$? ...


i am reminded of, and i take authority over, and command in you, in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth, and by the power and might of Holy Spirit, the same outworking of Acts 16: 16-18 ...

 2005/3/12 12:45Profile

Joined: 2004/3/24
Posts: 1374

 Re: Has Our Lord Been Speaking to Anyone Else on SI about $$$? ...


Thanks for the exhortation! ... Words of incouragement towards the faith are always GOOD!
Our Lord's grace, strength and mercy to you ... Amen

 2005/3/12 12:46Profile



And to think that I was just about to encourage you for hearing from the Lord about your giving of your "nest egg".

Your audacity to assume that anything besides the "Holy Spirit" motivates me is AMAZING! Believe it or not, I "am" your brother! Perhaps I was a little harsh but I am exhausted by all the "Prosperity" teachers out there which is what I assumed was your motivation. So, maybe my reaction was more for them than for you. I was a bit tired (note the time of the post) when I wrote it so maybe my more "raw" side came out. You have a "raw" side too, don't deny it bro'.


 2005/3/12 15:15

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK



I don't know how 'old' someone has to be before you are willing to listen to them, but as I am one of the oldest regularly posting here perhaphs you will listen a little to a grey head.

If you have read many of the posting on this site you will know that the spirit in which you are posting is quite alien to the spirit of most of the posters. Now you can react by saying everyone else is wrong and the Holy Spirit is guiding only you. Such a reaction would only confirm that your spirit is incompatible with the identity that God has established on the site. In short, whatever you choose to call it, your behaviour does not mark you as part of this family.

There is a relentless cutting edge to your posts which has nothing in common with the Spirit I know. I am only a member here but I think you should consider whether this site is ever going to be home to you in your present attitude.

Ron Bailey

 2005/3/12 18:19Profile



You couldn't be more wrong about me. You judge me on a couple of posts from last night and excommunicate me from the body of Christ. ASTOUNDING!!! Who do you think you are? Christ himself? You do not know me, you do not know my life or my devotion to Christ. You are guilty of now doing that which you accuse me of. This was inevitable though. Arminians instantly and summarily judge those who do not agree with them as being "out of Christ". You are on dangerous ground to judge the work of the Holy Spirit in someone's life. I have strongly disagreed with many in here but have NEVER told someone that they were "not in the family of God in Christ". Your audacity is astounding!!!

I would refrain from your comments regarding my relationship to the Lord. You are in danger of committing the unpardonable sin, and I think you know what I'm talking about. I would never say that about you my friend, so don't make such accusations to someone in whom you have absolutely "No" time invested in.

As far as the age thing goes, I'm sure you're old enough and experienced enough in this life to be listened to. You may presume to judge me and not include me in the family but I would have you interview the hundreds of prison inmates I have ministered to, I would have you interview the hundreds of homeless people I have ministered to through 2 different ministries. This is all of God and not myself but I list them here to demonstrate only that the Spirit of Christ works through me as he does through you. I must be as Paul to the Corinthians here and be a fool by listing accomplishments simply to reprove to you my pedigree in Christ. I am embarrassed that I have to do this for you.

I will most likely refrain from posting here again. Especially if it's regarding theological topics. I may continue to look for people who simply need "assistance" spiritually in order to minister to them but we shall see.

If you have read many of the posting on this site you will know that the spirit in which you are posting is quite alien to the spirit of most of the posters.

This couldn't be further from the truth. Most of what I see here is others bickering back and forth trying to tell everyone that what they believe is wrong. So, in that regard, I'm not that far from the mark of what's accomplished here (at least my postings last night.). I think you need to consider my "entire" posting history to really know my heart and what I believe. If you can do it, look at my previous posts from the last few weeks. You will find that my faith in Christ is deep and proven.

Again, as far as age, I too have some grey on my head and would probably consider you to be my peer if anything. Regardless, I hope that you can understand where I'm coming from. If not, so be it, but that doesn't mean that I have a "Foreign spirit" or that I need to have a "deliverance" service or something. I share, with you, the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. This same Spirit that has sealed you and I as God's children and beneficiaries of the Promise.


 2005/3/12 22:01

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I would refrain from your comments regarding my relationship to the Lord. You are in danger of committing the unpardonable sin, and I think you know what I'm talking about. I would never say that about you my friend, so don't make such accusations to someone in whom you have absolutely "No" time invested in.

Hi Ron,

I have deleted this user (picky400) from SermonIndex obviously because of the FLAMING that he is directing towards you. I hope that you don't mind me keeping this on the site, I think it just stands for something THAT WILL NOT be tolerated on this site. And would ask that people read this thread in light of this: [url=]MUST READ FOR ALL SI MEMBERS: Tone of Discussions Recently on SI.[/url]

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2005/3/12 22:42Profile

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