Looking for your thoughts on this issue---is listening/contemplative prayer a good thing? is this not what Tozer had practiced as well as others such as Madame Guyon? Many associate with Eastern Mysticsm practices, but are we not taught to meditate on the word of God? your thoughts......
I personally have been trying to do more listening and not talking in my prayer times. This is something that I have yet to get the hang of as I find that my mind wanders easily and I am not sure how I acheive a state in which I just am before the Lord and I will be able to hear when He speaks. And also find that I keep looking at the time and thinking what I need to do next which is really bad and then I start apologising to God about it. I think it is a good thing though to be quiet before the Lord.
The Bible speaks of a "still, small voice". I believe that we can hear from God in this manner if we listen... but thats the key... we dont listen.In my prayer times I have heard God speak. I'm a little leary if He says too much, because then I start to wonder if it's me speaking, ya know? But He does and will speak. Krispy