Poster | Thread |
| Persecution Watch Prayer Call Tuesday March 5th about Gospel Fellowships | | Saints this is an invite for you to come and hear our brother Greg Gordon share his heart burden for gospel fellowships to be established across N. America. In a conversation with Greg a few days ago I sensed the burden of his heart and felt this is something that needed to go out to the wider body of Christ.
So why share this on a call that prays for persecuted believers?Most of those in persecuted lands, such as China and Iran, have to meet in home like settings. Sometimes in groups as few as two or three. These persecutedd believers meet around the Lord Jesus for encouragement and fellowship. Often times the organized church in a place lime China is apostate. So the need to separate into hone fellowships. It is the house fellowships in places line China and India where the life of Jesus is lived out
It is a given, the organized evangelicalal church in America is apostate. And growing ever more so. Those who follow the Lamb will be persecuted in tbis country for preaching the gospel. Thus the need for such fellwships.
Please come and bear Greg's heart this coming Tuesday night. The call times are as follows:
9pm Eastern 8pm Central 7pm Mountain 6pm Pacific
U S callers please call in on 209.255.1000. Canadian callers please call in on 559.670.1000. Access code for both numbers is 109083#.
Because of the importance of this subject I have asked Greg to take as long as he needs. Also there will be a time of Q and A and some discussion. Thus the call will last as long as the Spirit leads. For sure we will have a time of prayer.
Saints please come and hear our brother's heart. Also please promote this event through your social media contacts.
In the bonds of Christ,
Blaine Scogin Mideraor Persecution Watch Eph.6:18 |
2013/3/1 10:30 | |
Oracio Member

Joined: 2007/6/26 Posts: 2094 Whittier CA USA
| Re: Persecution Watch Prayer Call Tuesday March 5th about Gospel Fellowships | | Quote:
It is a given, the organized evangelicalal church in America is apostate. And growing ever more so. Those who follow the Lamb will be persecuted in tbis country for preaching the gospel. Thus the need for such fellwships.
brother, in all honesty that statement got me a little confused so I thought I would ask for clarification. Are you saying that every single "organized" evangelical church is apostate and that if you belong to one you belong to an apostate church period? Or are you saying that the majority of organized churches are apostate?
If you and brother Greg mean to say that every single organized church is apostate then I would humbly ask, why are there so many sermons recommended on this site from pastors or leaders who are still heavily involved with "organized" churches?
Are you saying this is now the time for all Christians to "come out" and be seperate from all "organized" churches and seriously and prayerfully endeavor to be part of or start home fellowships?
Is there certain limited involvement with organized churches that would be encouraged for the remnant, such as preaching in those churches on the need for revival?
I humbly ask these questions because I've lately been seriously praying about this and cannot say I've gotten a clear answer. I've been attending a small organized church in my area but have been discouraged with the lukewarmness and watering down of God's Word a bit. I haven't been able to find any church in my area that I can safely say fears/reverences God and His Word above all else. I know there are no perfect churches but all I see around me is evidence of apostasy, and it has really caused me to prayerfully consider this whole thing of "coming out". _________________ Oracio
2013/3/1 14:05 | Profile |
| Re: Oracio | | Oh no, dear brother. I need to be careful how I express myself. Praise God there are the blessed exceptions. Not all organized evangelical churches are apostate. When you think of churches such as Times Square under Carter Conlin or Brother Brian Long's church those are indeed the blessed exceptions. And truly the saint is blessed who has found such a church home.
However if in your situation you are not in New York City or Barnstall, OK. Then one of these gospel fellowships may be a good alternative.
Sadly many believers such as yourself or myself find ourselves in areas where Christ centered fellowships are at a premium. I will not bore you with ny sad wor of church soap operas. But as one who lives in the buckle of the Bibke belt. True Christ centered ffellowship is hard to find.
Greg has encouraged believers to look for one or two other committed saints to meet together for fellowship. It does not have to be in a home. But could be a Starbucks or McDonalds. (Provided you are not throne out for talking about Jesus). The fellowship could meet on a different day and people could still go to an organized church if they so desired.
Oracio check out the website for gospel fellowships. Maybe there is a group meeting in your area. If not. There nay be some other Hungry saints around who are feeling as you are. Brother will jeep you in ny prayers.
Hope I have expressed myself a little more clearly.
Blaine |
2013/3/1 14:25 | |
sermonindex Moderator

Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | Quote:
If you and brother Greg mean to say that every single organized church is apostate then I would humbly ask, why are there so many sermons recommended on this site from pastors or leaders who are still heavily involved with "organized" churches?
Brother, I wanted to respond to your post and just give a few clarifications from my perspective. Yes we are all in North America struggling with the lack of reality, Christ-likeness and effectiveness in churches in North America. I do not believe all institutional churches / denominations are in themselves wrong. I believe some are very godly and used of the Lord. There are true believers and shepherds in every movement and group.
Just because a movement is 20-40 years old and setup like a denomination also does not mean by any means that it is apostate but rather they start to rely on men instead of the Holy Spirit and fall into a rut. Sadly though there is a growing sense of apostasy overall in North America and this is something we must be alert to and to be sober (1 Thessalonians 5, 2 Thessalonians 2).
There is a lack of godly good fellowships or churches were many are believers and have that fellowship. Thus gospel fellowships is a way for believers to connect together who are like-minded to encourage each other. We have something to learn from most denominations and as brethren meet together from many denominational backgrounds we can be humble to learn from each something. Yet our unity is under truth and the Lord Jesus Christ so each of us will need to "un-learn" some things we have holded to that we felt were more important and thus we were seperated from the rest of the body of Christ because of them.
So yes there is a radical need for some brothers to leave churches that are apostatizing, but also there is a need for believers that are not in fellowships or are in bible fellowships but still lack true godly fellowship to start to gather together in small groups during the week for like-minded fellowship.
This is the burden behind Gospel Fellowships and also the underlying theme that persecution is coming and whether or not we fellowship in a small group that is apart from denominations we can still learn principles and learn from the underground churches how to prepare for a time of great suffering but also opportunity coming to us.
You can learn more of Gospel Fellowships here saints:
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2013/3/1 15:02 | Profile |
Oracio Member

Joined: 2007/6/26 Posts: 2094 Whittier CA USA
| Re: | | brothers bearmaster and Greg, thank you so much for that clarification. I am in agreement with you on this.
By the way brother bearmaster, I did not see that any list of gospel fellowships is available yet. If there is such a list could you share the link? Thanks. _________________ Oracio
2013/3/1 17:34 | Profile |
| Re: Oracio | | Brother I made an assumption Greg had a list if like minded believers on the Gospel Fellowships webskte. I will email and ask.
What part of the country are you located in?
Blaine aka Bearmaster.
2013/3/1 18:16 | |
Oracio Member

Joined: 2007/6/26 Posts: 2094 Whittier CA USA
| Re: | | Quote:
What part of the country are you located in?
I'm in downtown Long Beach CA brother. _________________ Oracio
2013/3/2 11:57 | Profile |
| Re: | | Rreminder brother Greg to share about gospel felkiwships this coming Tuesday night. Call info at beginning of thread.
Blaine |
2013/3/3 8:07 | |
| Re: | | Saints brother Greg speaking tonight on gospel fellowships. All are invited on call. Info on front of thread.
Blaine |
2013/3/5 12:02 | |
sermonindex Moderator

Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | We are looking forward to this time to discuss about and the burden for house churches and coming persecution.
We trust some brethren on SI will be interested to tune in. _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2013/3/5 16:49 | Profile |