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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Seriousness

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Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532


I was instructed to separate from SI a couple months ago because my work here was done. Since that time, I have literally been taken through long periods of silence and rest. I have been largely cut off from the teachers whose teaching I rabidly consumed. In doing so, my vision has been effected such that even the 'good' and acceptable things are no longer permissible of themselves. There is a seriousness that can only come when not only our mouths have shut but our souls as well. The knowledge of God is supreme. If God is saying to stop, SI, speaking, complaining, suggesting solutions, sitting around. Let go. Go!

 2013/2/28 10:49Profile

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057

 Re: Seriousness

by Jeremy221 on 2013/2/28 4:49:24

I was instructed to separate from SI a couple months ago because my work here was done. Since that time, I have literally been taken through long periods of silence and rest. I have been largely cut off from the teachers whose teaching I rabidly consumed. In doing so, my vision has been effected such that even the 'good' and acceptable things are no longer permissible of themselves. There is a seriousness that can only come when not only our mouths have shut but our souls as well. The knowledge of God is supreme. If God is saying to stop, SI, speaking, complaining, suggesting solutions, sitting around. Let go. Go!


I must admit your post as been on my heart since reading it yesterday. I am not fully sure I know what to think about what you shared. I feel like I am missing something...are you wanting to share and encourage others if the Lord is leading them to leave the forums to do so??

God bless

 2013/3/1 9:38Profile

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: Seriousness

I'll put it this way. In the time since I have left the forums, at the Lord's leading, He has been faithful to work in me and reveal Himself to me. If the Lord has told you to go, Go! If not, don't worry. He still has work for you here for His own glory and will continue to feed you through the saints on SI. If we all walk according to the Spirit there will be unity, so, please, for the sake of the brethren, trust and obey.

 2013/3/4 11:55Profile

Joined: 2005/3/31
Posts: 419
Son Of Thunder i come from a land down under, due south at the bottom of your work globes


Sometimes its good to have a break from the forum(s)

Sometimes forums can be a veritable (literal) war and combat zone.

Seems like were doing WARFARE with each other. (and not the enemy)

(i know these things ought not be) yet the reality is can happen.

I once had a 4-6 month break and by choice not design.

However if you think your voice is a blessing to others - and your knocking other peoples spriritual socks off (so to speak) Continue:

Continue by all means.

If your not positively contributing - and have become quarrelsome

Engaging disputes and/or just being a nit-picker (picking apart other peoples posts) being nuiance (as it were) Then you've lost true vision.

Were really here to edify,encourage, build-up And strengthen the brethren

Not pull down and deter each other ( nay rather exhort & encourage)

If we bite and devour each other - were losing focus - to say the least.
(paul said you run the risk of being consumed the one of the other)

Take a break if the real goal of posting has been lost in winning debates and scriptural arguments over the interpretation of the bible.

All in the guise of "contending for the faith" mind you:

I think sometimes we forget (outsiders) could also be watching us.

And bottom line is ...were either ...gathering ...or scattering.

Good post jeremy !!

Bro Stephen

 2013/3/5 3:24Profile

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