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Joined: 2004/7/23
Posts: 210

 Do we pray for whom we preach against?

Jesus called the Pharisees a brood of vipers. He drove them out of the temple with a whip and turned the money tables over. Yet He also took nails into His hands for them. Jesus pronounced judgment over Jerusalem, but He also wept over the city and cried out "Jerusalem, Jerusalem" Paul came against wolves and false prophets but he also told Ephesus in Acts 20 that warned them weeping day and night for 3 years. Philippians also shares how Paul weeps that men are enemies to the cross. My question to many who post what they post about false preachers is do you weep for them, grieve for them, and come against them with great humility in the heart, or do you post out of a sense of being better than them, feeling good about your own "righteousness"? We must be careful which spirit we walk in when we judge those within the body. Yes the Bible says we are to judge those in the body of Christ. Truth must be highly esteemed. But truth spoken must be truth lived. Let us not love in word and deed but action and TRUTH. What is truth? Some will say is the Scriptures. Well yes of course. Our pride in our preaching is just as bad in the eyes of God as the prophets we preach against. We stand by the grace of God ALONE. We must remember this..

 2005/3/8 22:52Profile

 Re: Do we pray for whom we preach against?


 2005/3/9 1:41

 Re: Do we pray for whom we preach against?

Excellent point Mattie,
This is no doubt a stirring of the Holy Spirit that must stir us all.
Jesus said that by the same measure we judge others, so shall we be judged. Personally, I am a monument to His mercy. I pray that His mercy abounds toward those who preach their own kingdoms instead of His kingdom.
It is very difficult for a man who has fallen into a great money machine to abandon his success for the truth. Jesus said that it would be easier for camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Yet with God, all things are possible.
So yes and amen. We need to pray for these "ministers", that God have mercy on them as He has had upon us. Pray the the rhema of the Word would convict their hearts, and that they would have the strenght to repent and proclaim their error before all.

 2005/3/9 6:56


I pray for those whom I warn of every single day. I dont preach "against" anyone... we wrestle not against flesh and blood. I preach against what they promote. There is a difference.


 2005/3/9 8:14

Joined: 2005/2/20
Posts: 43
Midwest, USA

 Re: Do we pray for whom we preach against?

I speak it and walk it now because I have the Holy Spirit. And I weep more than anyone knows over what the Lord has shown me through His eyes about His church. I have endured more rejection and hate from so-called Christians by speaking through humility and love, not anger. These wolves will hate you no matter how you deliver the message of turning away and repenting. I just expect it now. They will be killing us soon and think they are doing a service to God.

The deception is thick...they have no idea there is anything different than what they are doing now. Moves of God are called the enemy and moves of the enemy are now called God. Oh yes, I grieved an entire year after the Holy Spirit filled me. And tears still pour out as the Lord shows me His heart. Pray for those ensnared in these last days churches and that the Lord will lift the deception through the Holy Spirit, not by what we preach or speak.

Mark Daniel

 2005/3/9 8:40Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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