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Discussion Forum : News and Current Events : Are You Worshiping the Idol of 'Open Options'?

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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Are You Worshiping the Idol of 'Open Options'?

During a recent Starbucks visit, I stood behind a customer who ordered a decaf grande sugar-free vanilla nonfat latte with extra foam and the milk heated to 140 degrees. As I stood in line, I actually started to think, Maybe I want 140-degree coffee too. Maybe, I thought to myself, my choice of milk temperature up to this point has been catastrophically naive. Suddenly, his choices made me unhappier about my own. I began to covet. I wasn't sure what I wanted anymore. I became anxious and indecisive. I wasn't sure I was ready to commit—either to my kind of coffee or to his. Was this really freedom of choice, or slavery to it?

What if we take the same multiplicity of trivial options we have at Starbucks, and apply them to bigger questions: where we should work, where we should study, where we should live, whom we should marry, or whom we should worship? It seems that the more options we have, the ...

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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2013/2/17 20:44Profile

 Re: Are You Worshiping the Idol of 'Open Options'?

:-) Greg, I had to smile at this one. Sometimes I feel guilty because all I ask for at Starbucks is a cup of black coffee with a little room for cream.

Yes, we are over optioned in every facet of life and it has poured over into the body of Christ. Lets get back to the simple things of Christ, dear brothers and sisters.

In Christ,

 2013/2/18 13:12

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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