Aside from the spritual jostling over stats and numbers:Me wonders how big those rocks were ...which rained down from heavenIn the days of Lot ...when heaven ...decided (and not mother nature)To send brimstones down upon the heads of the wicked.You would have to think they were no small rocks!And considering the angels said ...whatever you DoDont look back. Dont look back. Lots wife did and paid the price.Reports from locals in russia said it was like BRIGHTER than 10 sunsAnd the noise was like that of a sonic boom (loud - awesome - powerful)
_________________Bro Stephen
The question i raise is this... Beloved.When God judges ... he iniates ..the means:Its no longer (quote) mother nature and /or natural disasters.You say ...proof text please.Chapter and verse ( required)Sure.God will have his way IN the storm ( psalms)Jeremiah said God would raise up a mighy whirlwind speaking of intenseWeather outcomesThe book of revelation speaks of huge hailstones "initiated" by God and from God ...which will - - fall upon the heads of the wicked.Therefore Its no longer mother nature at work, and no longer quote LR NATURAL DISASTERS at work. Or a matter of calculations when the next one is probably due.But God work.And as david said God is having his way in the storm.Did he not do this in the plagues of exodus??Before skeptic pharaoh.