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Joined: 2005/3/31
Posts: 419
Son Of Thunder i come from a land down under, due south at the bottom of your work globes


My reply firstly is i only had wrote an article about "solar superstorms" just days before this occurance. The dates on the posts verify this. Then lo and behold - - what happened in russia.

I made reference to 4G phones and the internet being knocked down.

Which is what happened in russia ...when this meteorite hit which was about the size of ( 2 small cars approxiamately in demension).

Secondly its not everyday (at all) that such occurences of this nature and size happen. The footage i think was AMAZING. STARTLING. GRIPPING.

ACCORDING to experts in this field - - they are all saying what happened on friday was a VERY RARE occurence. Not only that but on the Same DAY AN ASTEROID AS LARGE AS A FOOTBALL FIELD passed the earth ...i think narrowly missing the earth by 17,200 miles at the time.

Scientists have said if something that big ever struck the planet we would be in TROUBLE.-- big trouble! THE IMPACT would be absolutely astranomically ( Gi NORMOUS) in fact. This asteroid which passed the earth on friday would have flattened the whole of London -- if it struck!
( To give you some idea of the damage and carnage "it" could cause)

Do i think its a sign of the end???

Nowhere in the post do i declare any type of armegeddon or apocalyptic scenario. Neither do i " hold to" the view every major world event is a "sign of the end times" but you would have to temper that by saying there are definite "indicators" and * birth pain*s leading up to the 2nd advent. And To ignore them when they happen (is actually the true silly)

Ive often said even when the beginning of sorrows occurs people will still wont RECOGNIZE IT or KNOW IT. They will " pass it off "as did lots sons in laws. Why Its going to rain fire and brimstones from heaven lot Did warn.

But lot seemed as one that joked ( a mocker ) a prankster.

And they dismissed him and the warnings lightly.

And consequently perished in the inferno along with all the other sinners.

Noahs generation did the same ..they were warned about rain and a. massive Great flood coming... but once again it went unheeded and was ignored.

And fearful sights...shalll there be the heavens.

Blood, fire, and pillars of smoke shall there be ( before) (before)

That great and terrible day of the Lord - - doth come.

And Great signs shall there be from the heavens:

Once more i not only shake the earth - but also the HEAVENS.

My views i cant fully disclose.

Suffice to say one thing.

I believe an earth subject to corruption and that groaneth and travaileth

Will see a whole lot more than what happened friday in russia ( manifold multiplicity more).

When these great earthquakes strike in the not to distant future whole cities will be lost, and entire islands will diissappear from our radars and from of the face of our google (maps) Gone skies...

Bro Stephen

 2013/2/16 8:46Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


Natalie, my reactions were similar to yours...

I also recalled that one of the evidences of the end times is signs in the sky. I wondered what THAT would look like? I did wonder if any of the Russians thought about this and according to news reports, some did! I am sure we would, too, if it would have happened here.

While natural phenomena frightens, what scares me more is sin accepted, tolerated among Christians. THIS really does frighten me! I used to say about our prodigals that I do not wish for them to go to church because I believed it is the most dangerous place spiritually one can go to. With few exceptions, I still believe this. And where are you going to find a brotherhood that reflects the will of God in life and doctrine? Scarce as hen's teeth....

Wonder what the next natural phenomena will be like?

Sandra Miller

 2013/2/16 16:40Profile


"Two once in a century events happened yesterday - Coincidence? There are 365 days in a year - 36,500 days in a century - the odds are 36,500 x 36,500 or one in 1.3 billion days. Perhaps, we were just lucky yesterday to have an event that will happen every 3.5 million years - happened to us."

 2013/2/16 23:54

Joined: 2010/3/25
Posts: 23

 Re: wormwood

Revelation 8:10-11 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

 2013/2/17 5:58Profile

Joined: 2011/1/12
Posts: 1395
Lakeland FL



When individuals begin playing with numbers to illustrate a point does it really confirm anything to others? I often seeing people using numbers to illustrate end times events. You haven't done that with your numbers but for some reason you used number to illustrate something.

Does this really help Christians to understand their Faith or does it only help to confuse them more?

Playing with numbers is a dangerous thing and many times is an esoteric thing in order to prove some point that really isn't there or just doesn't mean alot to the modern thinking mind, if that makes sense?



 2013/2/17 8:11Profile



I dont play with numbers, sheesh. It merely proves, for those who need proof, that this was an extraordinary event. Does it help Christian understand their faith? Wow, you took a lot from the numbers that I quoted from someone else. I am assuming that this was a rhetorical question so you already know the answer. I had no point to prove brother, I will bow to your "modern thinking" :) ............bro Frank

 2013/2/17 10:36

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


I think Deadn's point regarding numbers is that they can be used to prove or disprove most anything- particularly when it comes to "odds." Of course i do not mean to speak for deadn.

The odds against a person winning a powerball lottery are astronomical, but someone wins. The odds of being attacked by a shark are exceedingly small, but people get attacked by sharks.

The odds of a meteor hitting a particular person's house are minute to say the least, but people's houses have been hit be meteors.

So, to say that a couple of rare things happened on the same day (although admittedly extraordinary events) is some evidence of an "end times" sort of thing may not be particularly instructive. Nor does it establish that is was not just a "coincidence."

The quotation posted by brother Frank was trying to make the case that 2 rare things occuring on the same day could not have been a coincidence. It MAY NOT have been a coincidence, but it also certainly could have been.


 2013/2/17 13:59Profile

Joined: 2010/3/25
Posts: 23

 Re: appolus

I would like to thank you for posting what you did about the rarity of the event, I didn't know that it was rare. The numbers are just to show that this event isn't common.

 2013/2/17 14:46Profile


TMK writes..........

"So, to say that a couple of rare things happened on the same day (although admittedly extraordinary events) is some evidence of an "end times" sort of thing may not be particularly instructive. Nor does it establish that is was not just a "coincidence."

If it were that alone then of course, but there is a context to this, this did not take place in a vacuum. IN the last 13 years there has been any number of " biblical events," like tsunami's killing over 200,000 people, largest earthquakes, even moving the earth very slightly of its axis, 9/11 , Katrina, just recently Sandy or just a year and a half ago the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. I have just mentioned a few the extraordinary events, not even mentioning flood and droughts and fires breaking all records. One would have to be willfull in their thinking, if they were Christian, to completly ignore all of these events and not even consider the possibilty of end of age events. It may be noted that I did not make any commentary in the odds of that happening, mainly to avoid the ususal cynicism that inevitably goes along with any suggestion that the end of ages may be upon us. So this is me signing out :)..............bro Frank

 2013/2/17 18:17

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


Hello frank..

I did not intend to offend.

I certainly agree that birth pangs may be starting.

I just think it is fair to say that they may not be.

Can you imagine what we woud be thinking if the spanish flu outbreak from 1917 hit today? Approximately 100 million died.


 2013/2/17 22:34Profile

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