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sonofthunder Member
Joined: 2005/3/31 Posts: 419 Son Of Thunder i come from a land down under, due south at the bottom of your work globes
| Major meteor shower hits Russia | | News just in Russia has been struck by a major meteor strike::
Extraordinary amatuer video of the meteor is available on yahoo:
Early reports are there was a massive explosion heard when it finally landed on terra firma and one can see the huge meteor and its blazing trail all captured on video.
According to reports it set off many car alarms - and knocked out smart phone communication networks when it struck.
There is also reports of a lot of shattered glass and debris in nearby builings and properties. _________________ Bro Stephen
2013/2/15 8:27 | Profile |
sonofthunder Member
Joined: 2005/3/31 Posts: 419 Son Of Thunder i come from a land down under, due south at the bottom of your work globes
| Re: Major meteor shower hits Russia | | Another note of interest ... for those ...interested is.
Only the Day before this occurence ( in russia) japan had a huge fireball blaze and light up there skies ...which was captured on video for all to witness as well.
But back to russia the latest information now is 700 people are reportedly injured from the shower. And some sources are saying the meteor was actually reduced in size To what it was ....due to the defence force breaking it down in size before final impact.
Otherwise it would have been manifold worse in destruction.
Reports indicate disruption to major network systems.
I.e. the internet and mobile phone service providers. _________________ Bro Stephen
2013/2/15 8:56 | Profile |
sonofthunder Member
Joined: 2005/3/31 Posts: 419 Son Of Thunder i come from a land down under, due south at the bottom of your work globes
| Re: | | ALMOST 1000 INJURED - And 6 towns in total affected:
3 people are reported critical.
Experts say this kind of occurence is rare. But can and does happen.
The video footage is well worth a look saints. _________________ Bro Stephen
2013/2/15 9:16 | Profile |
SkepticGuy Member
Joined: 2012/8/8 Posts: 259
| Re: | | the sky is falling! the sky is falling!
here we go. everybody sing with me: "it's the end of the world as we know it..." |
2013/2/15 9:21 | Profile |
MrBillPro Member
Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 3422 Texas
| Re: | | I wonder if it is predicted in the Bible. Wonder if Russia is under Judgment from God. They are helping Iran get the nuclear bomb. God means business. God will not be mocked. _________________ Bill
2013/2/15 9:47 | Profile |
sonofthunder Member
Joined: 2005/3/31 Posts: 419 Son Of Thunder i come from a land down under, due south at the bottom of your work globes
| Re: | | At least we have sensible comment here.
Without sarcasm, mocking, and ridicule.
Ignore sacrcastic posters.
They will wax worse and worse.
Good comments by last poster. Thanks.
Notice the other poster couldnt care less about the injured
Hmmm. _________________ Bro Stephen
2013/2/15 9:59 | Profile |
sonofthunder Member
Joined: 2005/3/31 Posts: 419 Son Of Thunder i come from a land down under, due south at the bottom of your work globes
| Re: | | Notice his only interest was in trying to deride the post.
This person who ever he is ...cares not for those directly affected.
His goal is to try and make me look silly.
Go ahead.
God is watching.
Others bare record of your intent - and will take note. _________________ Bro Stephen
2013/2/15 10:04 | Profile |
sonofthunder Member
Joined: 2005/3/31 Posts: 419 Son Of Thunder i come from a land down under, due south at the bottom of your work globes
| Re: | | ALMOST 1000 INJURED - And 6 towns in total affected:
3 people are reported critical.
Experts say this kind of occurence is rare. But can and does happen.
The video footage is well worth a look saints. _________________ Bro Stephen
2013/2/15 10:09 | Profile |
DEADn Member
Joined: 2011/1/12 Posts: 1395 Lakeland FL
| Re: | | Video of this event is fascinating. Ironically it gives off a Hollywood vibe to movies that deal with the end of the world such as Independence Day.
I will be interested to see what science will say about the rock part of it because I am sure they will be able to get the rock and do experiments on it to see what it is made of and where, in the Universe, it may have come from.
Now, from an end times thing, why does an event create and end times discussion? What about the crater in New Mexico. How long ago did that happen and was it a sign of judgment at that time? I think we tend to be too quick to want to give an incident such as this a 'judgment' sign of God because it will fit with our belief/theology but how accurate is that? Christians are called out to be in the world but not of the world yet is this thinking balanced or just crazy? I lean toward the latter. _________________ John
2013/2/15 11:27 | Profile |
TMK Member
Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | Hello SOT--
Do you think this specific event has to do with "end times?"
If so, why? Deadn's pont is well-taken-- meteors are constantly bombarding the earth. I heard today that the one that struck Siberia in 1908 was about the same size as the one that passed by the earth 17000 miles away today at 2:25 pm.
I am just curious, not mocking.
_________________ Todd
2013/2/15 14:30 | Profile |