Poster | Thread |
| Re: | | PP to the best of my knowledge Corrue Ten Boon remained in Holland where she died. She ministered with Brother Andrew who was also a fellow dutbman.
Richard Wormbrandt was redeemed from Rumanian prison for 15;000 dollars and was later brought to America.
You are aware that the Anabaptist believed they were citizens of a heavenly kingdom?
| 2013/2/14 19:44 | | hiscomm Member
Joined: 2007/11/9 Posts: 16
| Re: The Good Ship Christ's Church and His Beloved Battleship America | | The point of the article is that the Church in America was given a gift to be able to serve Christ in political freedom. Before America most people lived under tyranny. The freedom that was passed down to us for most people in the world that live under communist rule they would think they have died and went to heaven. The Christian faith is a total world view that a real Christian lives life through the prism of the Bible. So everything he does is according to the word of God. His marriage, his family, his recreation, his money his community and his government. Spiritual, Physical, Mental Financial Social. Christianity addresses all these areas. As a Christian you are held accountable for all these areas by God. To much is given much will be required. The American was given political Freedom to serve Christ and to evanglize the rest of the world, to set the captives free. America was to help evangelize countries and then pass on a Constitutional Republic to those nations so with dilligence they could enjoy those same liberties that was passed on to us. Up through 1800s we were a strong vibrant Christian nation that honored God from the Top down, as a result we were blessed. But something happened. While the American Christian church was floating around in the 2nd Heaven, they seemed to of forgot that they were responsible for the Spiritual tone down here on Earth. Especially in America. Well, one of the temporal things we were responsible for was our political freedom so we could be free to advance the Gospel to other nations The American Church was to stand in the Gap pray for our leaders and keep a close tab on what our government did and when we saw things that were contrary to the Word of God it was to be shouted from the roof tops and stopped in it's tracks and it wouldn't be long till the wayward one would be removed from office. Up to the 1900s every election cycle half the congress was usually voted out. Just think, the process of making the laws of the land either righteous laws or unrighteous law and what does the Church say "We don't get involved in that" Well since you don't get involved in that you got alot of blood on your hands because you were supposed to be involved in that. It'was called being a citizen in Heaven and Earth and sitting at the City Gate and being some wisdom for the Heathen, and who knows he might come to Christ! You let one law get passed that has killed over 50 million babies. And you let even more policies and law that you should of been praying about and shouting about but no you couldn't get out of the Heavenlies!. A whole nation of youth has been destroyed. So we let many get killed in the womb and when they get out of the womb their open season to the devil because the Church let the Devil take over America! Now, since the Church was responsible for being diligent and watchman on the wall and it has failed to do so America will suffer great judgement. it wasn't because it was prophisied it was because the Church failed to occupy the territory it was given. So the next time your lamenting about the 4000 babies that are killed a week, or you can't preach on the streets anymore, or you can't speak the truth about homosexuality or when they haul you off we can all take a collective finger in America and turn it around and point ourselves in the face and say thanx, these are the circumstances I or we created and repent!
Jeremiah 23:1I will send disaster upon the leaders of my peoplethe shepherds of my sheepfor they have destroyed and scattered the very ones they were expected to care for, says the LORD. 2This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says to these shepherds: Instead of leading my flock to safety, you have deserted them and driven them to destruction. Now I will pour out judgment on you for the evil you have done to them.
| 2013/2/14 20:09 | Profile | InTheLight Member
Joined: 2003/7/31 Posts: 2850 Phoenix, Arizona USA
| Re: | | Quote:
As brother Greg posted earlier. Our choice us either to listen to Jesus Christ or George WShington. I will take Jesus over George any day.
This doesn't make a very compelling argument, if we take this to its logical conclusion then we have to ask ourselves what is the point of this website? There are many others here to listen to, but I guess my choice is either Jesus or the whole list of persons under the Audio/Text/Video Sermons links.
However, I understand that Jesus Christ, the Living Word; and the Bible, the written Word, must ever and always be the Christian's true standard but this does not mean we should never consider what other believers have to say, rather we must consider what is said in light of the true standard in Berean-like manner.
So, perhaps pointing out in detail how Mr. Washington's words fall short of the true standard would be more helpful to us all. Thanks.
If anything it is the American church that nerds to weep and wail over its sin.
Indeed, as members of our nations, we share accountability for their sins, crimes, and blasphemies. We can no longer go through life without giving the response of prayer. God is waiting for our prayers, He longs to help and save.
The example of Daniel's prayer in chapter 9 is a valuable one. Daniel's starting point is prayer and supplication with sackcloth and ashes signifying contrition and repentance for his sins. He faces up to his own sins and confesses them, thereby identifying with the great sin and guilt of his people.
Like Daniel's people, we are a nation under divine judgment; we need the courage to pray like Daniel and humble ourselves, such prayer reaches the heart of God.
In Christ,
Ron _________________ Ron Halverson
| 2013/2/14 21:26 | Profile | proudpapa Member
Joined: 2012/5/13 Posts: 2936
| Re: bearmaster | | Hi bearmaster
bearmaster wrote ///PP to the best of my knowledge Corrue Ten Boon remained in Holland where she died///
"Corrie died in Placentia, California on April 15, 1983. She died on her 91st birthday"
///Richard Wormbrandt was redeemed from Rumanian prison for 15;000 dollars and was later brought to America.///
Why America, Why do so many refuges of persecution always have and always do come to America?? bearmaster wrote ///You are aware that the Anabaptist believed they were citizens of a heavenly kingdom?///
brother bear, I am a Bible Believing Christian, I attend a church that is of anabaptist heritage, When comparing history I find the Anabaptist supiour to that of the Protestantism history but I am not bound by Anababtist theology, I do not agree with Menno and others concerning the incarnation, do you??
But having said that I am not Patriotic, I did not vote in the last two presidential elections, But I am thankful for the freedoms that we are Blessed with!+ I do not pray for persecution to fall upon me, Even though I believe it will happen soon.
((read my first post))
William Penn and the quakers believed'they were citizens of a heavenly kingdom' Penn suffered persecution for his beliefs. But Penn was also founder of the Province of Pennsylvania which gave the Anabaptist a place to refuge.
| 2013/2/14 23:35 | Profile | proudpapa Member
Joined: 2012/5/13 Posts: 2936
| Re: | | bear wrote Quote:
If anything it is the American church that nerds to weep and wail over its sin.
InTheLight responded ///Indeed, as members of our nations, we share accountability for their sins, crimes, and blasphemies. We can no longer go through life without giving the response of prayer. God is waiting for our prayers, He longs to help and save.///
Yes, and this Is what I personaly felt as the jist of the artical.
It is ashame when brethren can not share anything that slightly includes thankfulness for the religious freedoms that we have in the US or anything about being discouraged at the rapid rate of which these freedoms are declining, without being attacked by others as not living or focusing enough on the right kingdom.
| 2013/2/14 23:57 | Profile |
| Re: The Good Ship Christ's Church and His Beloved Battleship America | | Quote:
The American was given political Freedom to serve Christ and to evanglize the rest of the world, to set the captives free. America was to help evangelize countries and then pass on a Constitutional Republic to those nations so with dilligence they could enjoy those same liberties that was passed on to us. Up through 1800s we were a strong vibrant Christian nation that honored God from the Top down, as a result we were blessed. hiscomm
This is truly appalling. My friend at the same time as all this freeing up was taking place abominations were being committed in full visibility of the nations. When I read such things as these I truly tremble because it demonstrates not only an ugly patriotism and nationalistic pride which has since the second world war led to some insane outcomes, but it imputes to a nation that which is given to the church. No matter how simplistic such sayings as "choose Washington or Christ" may be and no matter how unsatisfying such a saying may be, it is a real saying with real meaning. Does anyone hear really believe that Holy angels will descend from heaven draped in the banners of nations? If I were to take that view I would have to gird chain mail, the cross of St George and ride up into battle with a sword bringing dread death upon the enemies of Christ. Thank God I am more a saint than an Englishman. |
| 2013/2/15 0:04 | | proudpapa Member
Joined: 2012/5/13 Posts: 2936
| Re: | | The clever proponents of evil political ideologies are spending millions to make us Americans ashamed to love our country. By the use of all available media of communication they are persuading our people that there is little left worth defending and certainly nothing worth dying for.They are building up in the public mind a picture of an American as a generous, tolerant, smiling chap who loves baseball and babies but is not too much concerned about fringe political theories. This synthetic American subscribes to the doctrine of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man and lets go fishing-everything will be all right. And so in religion, especially among the Protestants. Let a man rise to declare the unique Lordship of Jesus Christ and the absolute necessity of obedience to Him and he is at once branded as a hatemonger and a divider of men. The devil has brainwashed large numbers of religious leaders so successfully that they are now too timid to resist him. And he, being the kind of devil he is, takes swift advantage of their cowardice to erect altars to Baal everywhere. The Bible is a book of controversy. The Old Testament prophets were men of contention. Our Lord Jesus while on earth was in deadly conflict with the devil. The Apostles, the Church Fathers and the Reformers were men of controversy. They fought the devil to the death and kept the torch of truth burning for all succeeding generations. Is our contribution to history to be the ignoble one of letting the torch go out?
By A.W. Tozer Keep the Torch Burning
| 2013/2/15 1:34 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
The Apostles, the Church Fathers and the Reformers were men of controversy. They fought the devil to the death and kept the torch of truth burning for all succeeding generations. Is our contribution to history to be the ignoble one of letting the torch go out? Tozer
And thats conceited as well. Just in case you didn't think anyone would say it brother. I have. |
| 2013/2/15 4:38 | | SkepticGuy Member
Joined: 2012/8/8 Posts: 259
| Re: | | Quote:
The American was given political Freedom to serve Christ and to evanglize the rest of the world, to set the captives free. America was to help evangelize countries and then pass on a Constitutional Republic to those nations so with dilligence they could enjoy those same liberties that was passed on to us. Up through 1800s we were a strong vibrant Christian nation that honored God from the Top down, as a result we were blessed. Hiscomm
what about a little thing called slavery? millions and millions of blacks held in chains, many murdered and raped. Some were treated better than others, but they had no freedom and it was illegal to teach them to even read in some states. this is what u call a strong vibrant Christian nation that honored God from the Top down? and after 2 centuries of slavery americans butchered themselves to the tune of over 600,000 men in a brutal war. after that the south was ravaged by carpet baggers and opportunists (carpetbaggers) who took advantage of both whites and blacks, stealing their land and what little money they had left. later president grant was elected and his terms were wrought with corruption. is this the strong vibrant Christian nation that honored God from the Top down you speak of? what about the land-grab of the western frontier which involved the wiping out of a race of people? forcing them onto reservations and providing them with whiskey creating a alcoholism on a grand scale percentage-wise. raping the women, killing the men, forcing families to live in squauler and poverty; all sanctioned by the government, the so-called top u speak of.
think about what u r saying from a logical stand point. u agree that the nation has gone downhill around 1900. slavery ended in 1865. so when america was at her most righteous, according 2 ur calculations, was when she had the institution of slavery. ever since slavery ended america has gotten further and further from righteousness. now surely u r not making that connection, but if we follow ur words out 2 their logical conclusion this IS what u r saying.
i think, brother, that u need 2 read a lot less david burton, and visit ur local library and study american history w/out burtons slant and twisting and agenda.
i luv america, and there are many great things about this country! but we can not close our eyes and pretend that american was or is sumthing that it isnt. ur version of american history is about as factual as the old disney movies about davy crocket. long on myth and fantasy and absent of real facts, but very entertaining.
we r supposed to be people of truth. lets start being that. |
| 2013/2/15 8:49 | Profile | hiscomm Member
Joined: 2007/11/9 Posts: 16
| Re: | | Well Brother as you know slavery had been around for about 5000 years plus. In Rome and other powers at the time and before, up to half the population would be typically slaves. You could end up that way for all kinds of reasons. Thee typical way would be invasion of your country. As you know, the societies were agricultural. As you know it wasn't till 1833 that slavery was abolished in the British empire. So slavery was not new on the block. Just like abortion to you today is nothing new. As you know many of the Founders were abolitionist and set their slaves free. Charles G Finney said he felt that the only way to get rid of slavery was war. Revivals filled the land just before the war and through the war. Not saying we were perfect but kept trudging. But see friend were not talking about the passed away church were talking about the hear and now, and that generation in which your talking about did bring about revivals in their times and did bring about great social change for people. What has our generation of the Church done except lose the gains we once had. I put up one last post on this thread for your review and ponderance and I think it completely explains my general views on the subject you know we can be on here for days battering back and forth but it is possible we can find nuggets of truth in our discussions that will help the cause of Christ. Thanks for your comments |
| 2013/2/15 9:25 | Profile |