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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Sex Symbols Who Speak in Tongues?

I was at the grocery store the other day when I was unexpectedly confronted with an adult-oriented magazine located right next to the vitamin section. I immediately had to look away from the front cover, which featured a scantily clad, seductively posed, sex symbol. Yet it was only a few weeks ago that I read an article about how this same sex symbol loves to speak in tongues and has to restrain herself from outbursts in tongues while attending church services. What?

This is actually a perfect illustration of American charismatic Christianity, where you can say you love Jesus (like the rapper “The Game” claims to do) and still frequent strip clubs (as “The Game” still does), or where you can flow in the gifts of the Spirit and become a made-for-TV preaching sensation, only to announce that God told you that you married the wrong woman, leading to a quick divorce and remarriage.

Yes, this is the “gospel” of the 21st century, “Spirit-filled” church of America, where the cross is bypassed, denial of the flesh is scorned, purity is called legalism, and anything goes if it feels good.

It is the “gospel” of self, in which Jesus dies to make you into a bigger and better you, a “gospel” in which God is here to serve you and help you fulfill your dreams, and where the measure of all things is not how God feels about it but how you feel about it (or how it makes you feel).

read more:

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2013/2/10 18:50Profile

 Re: Sex Symbols Who Speak in Tongues?

This seems to be the teaching of the modern church. A sister told me the leaders of her fellowship are teaching that God smiles at you when you sin. For you are covered by the righteousness of Jesus. Teaching by Joseph Prince has impacted this fellowship. No repentence. No cross. Very unbiblical.


 2013/2/10 19:52

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Amen brother.

I am trying to get permission to upload this important video to SI but for now here it is:

Hyper-Grace The Great Deception of the 21st Century

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2013/2/10 20:20Profile

Joined: 2007/2/3
Posts: 835
Alberta, Canada


Hi Greg, how deeply we need to see the fire of God in our generation and in our land. We read that in the days of The Acts, no one dared to join the disciples unless they were seeking to walk the holy walk. The fear of God was upon them. But without that Fire and Presence it seems anything goes. All you have to do is tag the name Christian on it, and apparently it is sanctified. I even heard years ago of an organization of Christian prostitutes. I was appalled at the time; nowadays it would get no more than a shrug.

(By the way, we should all be diligent to give the byline right at the top of articles we post so readers know who wrote what they are reading. I thought the "I" at the beginning of this one was you... and that you were writing of your own personal experience. It wasn't till I read through that I discovered this was written by Michael Brown. Actually I find this a chronic problem on SI. I don't know how many things I've read thinking it's been written by the poster, only to discover they are quoting someone else.)


Allan Halton

 2013/2/10 21:17Profile

Joined: 2006/6/10
Posts: 668
Northern Rockies, BC, Canada


Amen brother Greg! Praise God! Halleluiah! Everything that can be shaken, God will shake and it will fall, praise the Lord!

Enough of this deception running rampant all over North America. The mission field is in the steeplehouses and the streets. We are responsible to proclaim the whole counsel of God to this wicked, deceived, and adulterous generation.

"My people have been lost sheep: THEIR shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains; they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their resting place." - Jeremiah 50:6 (kjv)

Oh, get ready! The battle is on! But tarry in 'Jerusalem' till power come upon 'you' from above; for without Him we can do nothing. Let the remnant in our land be filled with the Holy Ghost, putting on the whole armour of God, born from above, disciplined and studied much in the Word of God, go out in the Name of the Lord Christ Jesus and slay this Goliath of false doctrine with its Philistines steeped in worldliness with the sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, amen.

May the fear of the Lord Almighty fall greatly upon this land, and in all steeplehouses that teach this carnal and worldly, devilish doctrine of Antinomianism.

All things are possible unto Thee oh God! Not my will, but Thine will be done. Amen and amen.


 2013/2/10 22:53Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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