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Joined: 2005/1/13
Posts: 59

 the new religion

I wrote this article and posted it on a blog site ([url=]click here[/url]) a few days ago. [There is a lot of persecution and false rumor in my town so if you read the comments, realize most are not true.] Here it is:

The New Religion
Alan Thomas

Satan has done it. He's brainwashed multitudes. He's caught millions in his snare. He's allowed many to turn and walk down the broad path to destruction. The idea is simple enough. But the root is so complex. He's sneakier than we all thought and he sure got us. Just like he got Eve in the garden, he's lured us away by what seemed so innocent, so right. Nobody saw it coming. It just crept in and took control. Now it seems unstoppable. It's the latest craze and everyone is radical about it. It's so against everything Jesus taught, but Satan worked it out so they even think they're still following Jesus. It's the golden calf of the new millenium. The god of this generation. What is it? Tolerance.

Yes, Tolerance. Many heads have bowed, many knees have bent, in one accord revering this deceptive idol. Tolerance? An idol? I'm not talking about racial tolerance. This concept is pure. I'm talking about Tolerance of sin, Tolerance of religion. So crafty were his ways when Satan introduced her. She flaunted her ways before the multitudes and they were all swayed by her gentle beauty. She calls herself love. How could Tolerance be love? As a man drowns, Tolerance sits idly by in her boat and whispers, "I love you. I love you so much that I can't bruise your arms. Therefore, I would rather you drown than to risk bruising your arms in my attempts to rescue you."

Tolerance herself is not partial. She'll bat her eyes flippantly at the longing gaze of any unsuspecting fool. Theists, deists, atheists, and polytheists alike have united to befriend her. She's indoctrinated every creed with her smooth lies. She looks so liberated. She looks so simple and so pure. God's word is embroidered across her garment, "Judge not." How could she be wrong?

Vain would be her attempts to seduce Jesus. Jesus saw through her vanity. Jesus knew that Tolerance is not love. Jesus conquered Tolerance. He embraced her worst enemy, Truth. In Truth is the liberty. In Truth is the victory. Truth is painful. Truth is bruised and beaten, but Truth is eternal. Truth is singular. Truth is exclusive. Truth is absolute. Tolerance looks free in her warm embrace, but her ways are bondage. "Ignorance!" she shouts boldly at Truth, but her own eyes are blind.

How many have bowed to Tolerance? How many have turned aside to her ways? Her followers think they do mankind service, but they are only hiding behind a cowardly facade. Some serve Tolerance so faithfully that in their blind zeal, they become intolerant of those who do not worship her. They defend Tolerance with such passion that they pierce Tolerance herself with the sword. Tolerance has confused them so greatly regarding whom they should serve that they cannot tell which way to face, which battle to fight. Tolerance wants them to lay submissively at her side, but even man's instinct itself tells him he must defend her. How else can she stand?

When Truth reigns, Tolerance must die.

 2005/3/7 16:56Profile

Joined: 2003/9/16
Posts: 474

 Re: the new religion

I enjoyed that Alan.

The question is why we are so tolerant?

The primary reason is so that we don't have to repent of our sin. That's my impression. If I'm tolerant of this person or that person, then I don't have to give up my idols. As you said, it's not love but rather a license to sin.

Let's make no provision for the flesh.

Romans 13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

Ed Pugh

 2005/3/7 17:08Profile

Joined: 2005/1/13
Posts: 59



Gideons wrote:

The question is why we are so tolerant?

we don't believe in hell.

 2005/3/7 18:00Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA


A big part of the problem is that modern culture uses a mistaken notion of tolerance.

The modern notion of tolerance says something like this, "all views have merit therefore none should be considered better than another".

The problem with this definition is that no one is tolerant or ever can be. For example, if all views have equal merit then the Christian view that Jesus is the Messiah has just as much merit as the Jewish view that He is not Messiah. But this is a hopeless contradiction, one view or the other must be true. Tolerance turns out to make no sense if we use the modern definition.

The solution is to use the classical definition of tolerance which says something like, "all [b]people[/b] have merit and therefore none should be considered better than another". Tolerance has to do with how we treat people we disagree with, not with how we treat ideas that we think are false.

To say I'm intolerant becuase I disagree with someone elses views logically makes no sense but this is what our culture has bought in to.

Ironically this all leads to mistreating people who think their ideas are better than other's-and can you believe it-they are called intolerant.

Tolerance is reserved for those who we think are wrong, yet we still choose to treat them decently and with respect.

In Christ,


Ron Halverson

 2005/3/7 18:58Profile

Joined: 2004/10/14
Posts: 5

 Re: the new religion

Bravo, sir! A well-crafted, articulate piece. I am quite content to be intolerant according to current definitions and have no trouble declaring that I am convinced what I believe is true. How foolish would it be to profess belief in something I thought was false? It is simple mathematics: if C is not equal to D then A+B=C is not equal to A+B=D, no matter how much society would like us to believe otherwise. Truth is truth and, as Francis Schaeffer once so succinctly put it, the truth plus or minus anything is no longer the truth.
In Christ,

Alan Arnott

 2005/3/8 20:41Profile

 Re: the new religion


Tolerance herself is not partial. She'll bat her eyes flippantly at the longing gaze of any unsuspecting fool. Theists, deists, atheists, and polytheists alike have united to befriend her. She's indoctrinated every creed with her smooth lies. She looks so liberated. She looks so simple and so pure. God's word is embroidered across her garment, "Judge not." How could she be wrong?

Maybe you should come back in and tell us what you've learned about life "after" you've completed puberty and moved out of Mom and Dad's house. You've got alot to learn my young Novice, my young Padawan Learner.

Maybe you should try coming back and teaching us something "after" life has actually kicked you in the crotch a couple times or sucker punched you once or twice. Then maybe someone will listen to your manifestos. Until then, keep them under lock and key and let them "develop" a little and "cook in the oven" so to speak.


P.S. Are you sure that this post is not more about the girl in your 3rd period class at school? Sure sounds like it, lil' brother! You keep tryin' though! :-o

 2005/3/12 3:37

 Re: Picky

I'm not sure where you came from, but I know the spirit that motivates you. It does not fit in well here. Love is sorely lacking in your harsh crticism, a self assumed position no doubt. This is a great forum of caring people. Truth is the balance the keeps us aligned with the Holy Ghost. There is tolerance here for many different views, but I doubt the moderates will tolerate your attitude very long.

 2005/3/12 7:15

Joined: 2003/5/24
Posts: 138
Chicago IL USA

 Re: Picky


Be careful what comes from you mouth it is a reflection of your Heart.

Examine your careless words


Maybe you should come back in and tell us what you've learned about life "after" you've completed puberty and moved out of Mom and Dad's house.

You Know better than that brother.

Examine there for that you are in the BODY Picky400.

I say in LOVE to you Examine your motives and correct the wrong.

Maybe you should try coming back and teaching us something "after" life has actually kicked you in the crotch a couple times or sucker punched you once or twice

Can you imagine JESUS saying the above quote?

You Love JESUS Picky400, then strive to be in line with Him; Don't let Satan use good intentions 4 evil purposes.

In the Faith: Michael


 2005/3/12 7:24Profile


To All,

Do not presume to know me well enough to exclude me from the BODY! I am deeply involved in a devoted life to Jesus and pursuing a life of service. What is amazing to me is that the folks here on this site will put up with the "Fumings" and "Rantings" of a 19 year old who hasn't even seen most of life yet and puts down practically "All" of his brothers and sisters in the Lord with the fallacies of his pubescent mind with the assistance of "tomes" of non-biblical writers and weak theologians. But, you presume to lecture me when I basically just smack him on the side of the head to wake him up. AMAZING!!!

I am his older brother in the Lord, I will encourage that which I see is beneficial to both him and the body. But when he rants and raves in order to elevate himself above others, well a good swift "crack" on the side of the head may wake him up to reality. I'm merely trying to help him see the greater context and that there is much more of life that he has yet to experience including many, many failures, disappointments, and disallusionment that will level him to the ground and even challenge his faith in God. These will be no doubt things that God will use to ultimately strengthen his faith but also will undoubtedly reshape and cause him to rethink his faith as well.

I once had a friend who was like this young man. She was incredibly zealous upon conversion but I also watched her zealousness (without knowlege or experience) hurt several people around her. However you perceived my last post, it certainly was done for his own sake so that he may refrain from judgement over ANY Christian until he's at least gotten married, had some kids, lost some jobs, had some major setbacks, and the like. Until then his opinions, about how us "other" Christians aren't living for God, are worthless!

I myself am very invovled in ministry, I preach at Church, I'm involved in Interfaith Hospitality Network, I'm involved in the Kairos Prison Ministry, I am periodically involved in Faith Mission dowtown. So, I wonder what Spirit it is that motivates me to do those things...hmmmm....uh...oh yeah, the "HOLY" Spirit.


 2005/3/12 14:53

Joined: 2003/5/24
Posts: 138
Chicago IL USA


I will Pray for you Picky400.

Tearing down someone is wrong and that’s what you are trying to do.

It is not backed up with biblical versus just your Picky opinion.

Are you also open to reproof?


 2005/3/12 15:00Profile

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