My brother PJ, what are you doing?
You rebuked me for calling Grant Jefferies, Hal Lindsey and Jack van Impe phoneies, and your doing the same thing by calling Benny Hinn a Wolf in sheeps clothing.
I believe that God has called Benny Hinn for some purpose, but he has lost his way that is what power does to a man.
He will fall flat on his face like Jimmy Swaggart, and Jim Bakker did.
And when that happens, we'll see what kind of a spirit they truly have. Will they take Job's wife's advice and curse God, or will they rebuke her and bless God, "The LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away blessed be the name of the LORD".
Can we truly say that we have our doctrine together?
The Word of Faith teaching is so easily believed that it takes a humble spirit to know the difference.
When I was seeking the LORD this was presented to me. I wrote to the late Kenneth E Hagin for some help and he sent me a tape on "How to train the human spirit".
I listened to the tape, but I did not receive it. There was something about it that bothered me. He was saying that I should be led by my born again spirit.
Another time, I read Hagins rare book, "The name of Jesus", when I first read it was very good reading. I remember when I was reading over something in the second chapter, I remember I felt a check in my spirit, but ignored it and kept on reading. Years later, I thought of getting that book again, I found it on ebay and I bought it. When I read that second chapter I stopped and I couldn't believe what I read. It was awful, demoralizing, and demonic.
Hagin taught in that book that Jesus died spiritually and became demon possessed.
It's not the money gospel that is bad, it's this teaching.
When you believe the devils lie, the devil will make sure that you prosper.
The foundation has got to be sure, if Jesus Christ is not that chief corner stone in each individuals life, it will crumble and come to nought.
The Word of Faith is building a structure, and once it is built, it will fall because God will blow on. David Wilkerson prophecied this in his book the Vision, and it has come to pass, we need no longer wait for it, it's here.
Eze 7:10 Behold the day, behold, it is come the morning is gone forth the rod hath blossomed, pride hath budded.
Jesus commands us to leave them alone, if they are using the name of Jesus to cast out devils, then we as true desciples we are to leave that crowd alone.
By the way, what happened on Dateline?
Karl |