I read with some mild interest tbe other thread about the age of the earth. In my 30 some odd year walk with Christ I have listened to arguments on each side and really never got into that topic. Yet some Christians seem to think that if yoy do not believe one way or the other the gospel is impacted. Personally I do not believe that. But what does imoact tbe gospel is the resurrection of Jesus ChristPaul writes in 1 Cor. 15 that if Christ were not resurrected one's preaching and faith are useless and in vain. Also he says we are to be pitied more than all men if Christ were nit raised. To tbe best if my knowledge tbe Christian faith is the only religion in the world whose founder is claimed to have risen from the dead.It would seem that if one wants to discredit or disprove Christianity. Produce tbe body of Jesus Christ. Prove that the resurrection is a lie. Confirm that Christ still lies in a grave somewhere. If one would do this then 2000 years of Christianity would be destroyed. This has far more reaching consequences then the age of the earth.Paul writes in Acts 17 that God has given proof of his coming judgement by raising Jesus from tbe dead. Is there enough credible evidence to state that the resurrection is a historical fact? Personally saints I do believe the resurrection took place and except it by faith. But when one reads the New Testament the early believers seem to accept it as a matter of historical fact.Thus I ask you my betters. Is there enough historical fact to demonstrate and confirm tbe resurrection of Jesus Christ actually took place?Asked by Bearmaster.
t would seem that if one wants to discredit or disprove Christianity. Produce tbe body of Jesus Christ. Prove that the resurrection is a lie. Confirm that Christ still lies in a grave somewhere. If one would do this then 2000 years of Christianity would be destroyed. This has far more reaching consequences then the age of the earth.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
There are a number of good books on this subject available.A very good book by Lee Stobel called 'The Case for Christ' that deals with the historcal evidence for the resurection. You can probably get it as an e-book.I lent it to an unbeliever at work. He could not fault it, however it did not lead him to salvation - yet. No amount of reasoning will bring a person to salvation, as it is a heart issue and a work of God's grace that brings salvation.
One of the books I read as a young christian was:more than a carpenter by Josh McDowellhttp://www.amazon.com/More-Than-Carpenter-Josh-McDowell/dp/1414326270Very helpful answering this question.
I believe the fact that nearly all if not all of the apostles died a martyr's death is proof of the resurrection-- at least all the proof i need.Many zealous people will be willing to die for something they BELIEVE to be be true, even if they are mistaken (the 9/11 attacks are a perfect example). These muslim men were mistaken in their belief but they actually believed in what they were doing.However, only a deranged person would die a martyr's death (especially a horrible type of death) for something they KNOW to be a lie. If the apostles simply had made up the story about the resurrection for whatever reason, and they knew it was not true, then when the time came to be crucified upside down or whatever, at least ONE of them would have said "okay okay, we were just kidding." But none of them did. And none of those in the early church that knew the apostles and got eaten by lions did either. This begs the question of whether the apostle's may have been mistaken about the resurrection, and of course I would say absolutely not.
YES Jesus resurrection is historical whether History accepts it or not. The argument that TMK just placed is a good one. No one will die for a lie and they know is a lie. But all the apostles and early martyrs dried a cruel death that they could have easily avoided by accepting the lie.Second one is 1 Corinthians 15:5:-He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. 6 After that He appeared to more than five hundred brethren at one time, most of whom remain until now, but some have fallen asleep;Here Paul writes to Corinthians regarding the resurrection of Jesus. He confidently says that people who witnessed it are still living. One can write like this only when the resurrection is a widely seen and talked about event of that time. One cannot write about an unknown event with such high authority. For example if I tell you guys that an Alien Spaceship landed in Atlanta and 500 people witnessed it then you won't believe me, because if it was so then it would be a widely talked about event by now. It would have spread all over the world.The main argument is the 4 books of Gospel itself. The handwritten copy of these are available dated close to 200 years within Christ's death. Also one of the writer is a historian as well. These 4 books qualify all criteria for being accepted as a piece of History except for their content which carnal minds cannot accept.
Sree mentioned an alien space craft landing in Atlanta as an examoke in his post. Tragically more people will believe in the reality uf UFO's or big foot than in tbe factual resurection of Jesus Christ. With practically no evidence to prove the reality of big foot or little grey men.I believe the first book that was written to establish the historical fact of tbe resurrection was "Who Moved the Stone" by Frank Morris. He wrote the book as an attempt to refute the fact that Jesus rose from the dead. In tbe end he could not do so. And became a Christian.Again if memory serves Simon Greenleaf (I think that is who I am thinking of) said that the evidence surrounding the resurrection was such that it would stand up in court. I believe this nan was a legal scholar.It seems anyone who sets out to disprove tbe rsurrection of Christ cannot. Either they wind up believing or denying tbe evidence of its authenticity.I remember having a college prof who mocked Christianity and considered it a myth. I asked him where was tbe body of Jesus Christ.Produce tbe body of Jesus and you destroy Christianity. Needles to say the prof was pretty cynical with a comeback. I could not remember what it was. It was by God's grace I passed tbe course.Saints I cannot tell you the age if the earth. My area is not science. My concentration in college was history. But whether one argues for a 6 thousand or 6 billion year earth. My faith is not shaken. As the teacher wisely told the king of Siam, "the Bible is not a book of science but of faith". Though my betters nay instruct me other wise.The issue still hinges on tbe resurrection of Jesus Christ. It either happened or it did not. Can we say beyond a reasonable doubt that the resurrection of Christ was a historical fact? Can we have a dialogue and say for sure there is an empty tomb in Jerusalem?If we are talking to non believers. Can we engage them in dialog and say that faith in Jesus Christ and his resurrection is based on historical evidence.Wondering what my betters thinkBearmaster.