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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Waiting on God

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Joined: 2010/12/1
Posts: 69

 Waiting on God

To have seen Dans request to wait on God not just to pray but to sit at the cross and wait for the Lord to speak or bring correction or direction or encouragement or strategy or whatever is so encouraging.

The church needs to get back to waiting on God, also whenever I hear or read WAKE UP, I allways believe that it is time to WAKE UP, like a prophetic call that is allways active.

We are nearer to the end than ever before, the church as most would agree is in a terrible state certainly in Melbourne.

Will we respond to the call to get ourselves ready or will we continue to slumber and then say "Ive bought land" or "I bought oxen" or "I have a bride of my own"

It was staggering to think that these excuses could be applied to ministry, ie land being building fund, oxen has been said to relate to the apostolic or pentecostal and the bride is said to relate to those who have been asked to pay the price but maybe like the fifty sons of the prophets came out of the town but stood and looked from a far off.

The time i believe has arrived for preparation, I also have the sense that it is a lot latter in the day than I should have realised.

The function of the watcher on the wall is not only to sound the alarm for battle but like Nehemiah to build the wall in the first place. I am rememinded that they build with a trowel in one hand and a spear in the other.

I am strongly persuaded that that time has come. We must get his direction as Dan said by waiting on him.

The time of winking has finnished. I do not believe we can agree to disagree with those who preach a message that says you can become a christian without any need to be repentant.

I am not suggesting we create alarm declaring our righteousness but the righteousness of the Lord for the saving of souls and hopefully at the direction and leading of the Holy spirit.

David Wilkersons last messages were exposing the lies from the pulpit of many but also declaring a path of sanctification and obedience. I believe he was on the ball then and that his word of separation needs to continue to be declared in true humbleness. If not then the spirit of the pharasee will if possible shred the individual that says or thinks that they are better.

We are told that we will not know the day nor the hour, however we are told we will know the times and seasons and to wait and pray that we are not taken as a theif in the night.

May God bless you as you consider Dan and Elizabeths statements.

Your brother in Christ Oskar Abley

Oskar Abley

 2012/12/14 19:50Profile

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